Friday, May 22, 2020
Retaining Ethics Rule And A Diversity - 715 Words
Retaining ethics rule and a diversity is important in business world to succeed, but some businesspeople fail to apply diversity to their business. Particularly, discrimination is a case that proves the failure of business. In the case â€Å"Short Shorts,†it shows gender discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace. Lucy is a waitress at the Sandtrap, which is located on the beach and a popular restaurant for night bands. The Sandtrap is attractive during customers’ vacation season, but the number of customers is drastically declined during the off-season. Although Fred, an owner of the Sandtrap, tried various attempts such as promotions, these were not effective, and the final strategy which is changing waitresses’ uniforms was successful. All waitresses have to wear â€Å"low-cut and tight-fitting shirts,†and Lucy argued about her uncomfortable feelings due to sexual harassment by male customer, but Don, a manager, cared about only their profi ts. However, gender discrimination and sexual harassment cannot create profits and these are contrary to core human values. Don wants Lucy to follow his decision which causes gender discrimination and sexual harassment, but it would finally decrease their profits. From the standpoint of consequentialist who more focus on whether a consequence is positive or negative rather than focusing on the way to reach the consequence, Don’s strategy can be a right action because high profit is absolutely good consequence and it is whatShow MoreRelatedPotential Employees With Diverse Lifestyles Into The Workforce Essay1524 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"Many managers and scholars agree that diversity is a positive factor that leads to competitive economic advantage for organizations†(Von Bergen, Soper, Parnell, 2005, p. 1). With this in mind, this module two case assignment will be composed of a study which articulates the importance of incorporating potential employees with diverse lifestyles into the workforce. In addition to, conversing about strategies for selecting and recruiting a distinct group o f potential employees with differingRead MoreCode Of Ethics And Stakeholders1162 Words  | 5 PagesCode of Ethics and Stakeholders Ferrell (2004), describes stakeholders as employees, customers, shareholders, and suppliers. (Company Name)Human Resources Department commitment to stakeholders is very important and reflects the highest standards regarding professional ethics and conducts. All stakeholders’ role in the company is vital for success. The human resources goal is to comply with ethical codes, policies and procedures as well as all state, federal, and national laws. 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Fostering a diverse workforce benefits both employees and patients by offering an inclusive place to provide and receive care. Men and women fromRead MoreAnalysis Of Macy s Inc.1665 Words  | 7 Pageslies in the skill, judgment and talent of our people. Every day a production of enormous magnitude takes place on our selling floors and behind the scenes, where our people bring the company’s strategic goals to life. Our priority of attracting, retaining and growing the most talented people in the retail industry has been and will continue to be our greatest advantage. Macy’s, Inc. is committed to open and honest communications with employees, shareholders, vendors, customers, financial analystsRead MoreHuman Resource Influences Employee Satisfaction1357 Words  | 6 Pagestraining this department should provide special materials and skills to employees, which are necessa ry for their position. Also establishing diversity is a major goal in some organizations. Human resources departments may provide diversity-related training to show employees the benefits of diversity or seek out speakers who can educate employees on diversity-related topics. It is also very important for organization to satisfy employee needs and identify improvement needs. If an employee needs somethingRead MoreMentoring : A Integrated Mentoring Program1324 Words  | 6 Pagesrange of areas, such as career guidance, technical and professional development, leadership, Air Force history and heritage, air and space power doctrine, strategic vision, and contribution to joint warfighting. It also includes knowledge of the ethics of our military and civilian professions and understanding of the Air Force s core values of integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we do (United States, 2013). MENTORING PROGRAM RESPONSIBILITIES The head of our organizationRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility And Human Resource Management1474 Words  | 6 Pagesfrom a popular American economist by the name of Milton Friedman, he declared: there is one and only one social responsibility of business--to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game, which is to say, engages in open and free competition without deception or fraud†(1970). However, today not only is CSR thought of as a business’s self-preservation for future survival, but also ones duty to be socially responsible toRead MoreQualitative Research Methods Essay13327 Words  | 54 Pagesfindings of the study, possibly giving false reporting on the topic. References Arfken, D. E., Bellar, S. L., amp; Helms, M. M. (2004). The Ultimate Glass Ceiling Revisited: The Presence of Women on Corporate Boards. Journal of Business Ethics, 50, 177–186. Bagozzi, R., amp; Yi, Y. (2012). Specification, Evaluation, and Interpretation of Structural Equation Models. Journal of The Academy of Marketing Science, 40(1), 8-34. doi:10.1007/s11747-011-0278-x Benbasat, I., Goldstein, D.
Friday, May 8, 2020
The Sickle Of Sickle Cell Disease - 852 Words
Sickle cell disease was discovered in 1910 in the United States. Many cases came to surface after that, and it was clear that sickle cell disease is predominantly common in the African American ethnicity. Sickle cell disease is caused by a mutation in the hemoglobin of red blood cells. The most common, known sickle cell disease is sickle cell anemia. There is no cure for Sickle cell disease, but there was a treatment that help relieve pain, prevent infections, and prevent organ damage. A drug called Hydroxyurea could be used to increase the production of fetal hemoglobin during pregnancy. Bone marrow treatment, is when stem cells are removed from one person to another person. Cord blood with stem cell transplantation, can replace someone’s abnormal stem cells with a donors stem cell. Symptoms Signs that show when sickle cell is present is when anemia starts to show in the blood cells and they become weak to where it breaks apart, periods of pain where the blood is unable to flow to the vessels which causes joint pain, and recurrent infections because sickle cell can damage organs that help fight off infections. Sickle cell was a trait that was inherited by one or both parents. The shape of a normal red blood cell is a disc-shape that looked like a doughnut, whereas a sickle cell has a crescent shape. An individual that inherited the defective gene from both parents had the sickle cell gene and is homozygous. If left untreated, usually the person would die in theirShow MoreRelatedSickle And The Sickle Cell Disease1369 Words  | 6 PagesThe sickle cell disease affects about 100,000 people in the America. The most common ethnic group the sickle cell anemia is seen in is African Americans and Hispanics. Approximately one in every ten African American and one in every one hundred Hispanic Americans have the sickle cell trait. Approximately two million people have the sickle cell trait in America. Approximately one in five- hundred African Americans and one in one thousand to one thousand and four hundred Hispanic-Americans have sickleRead MoreSickle Of Sickle Cell Disease706 Words  | 3 PagesSickle Cell Disease Sickle Cell Disease or also widely known as Sickle Cell Anemia is a genetic mutation caused in red blood cells destroys its own cells within and reshaping the cell wall resembling crescent or sickle shape; getting its name of the sickle cell disease. These sickled shaped cells attempt to perform its normal function of circulating oxygenated and deoxygenated RBC and gets lodged in small vessels causing vaso-occlusion. Where vaso-occlusive take effect, rest of the body is not receivingRead MoreSickle Of Sickle Cell Disease2167 Words  | 9 PagesSickle cell disease is an ailment that specifically targets red blood cells, causing them to sickle into a cone shape and hinders the transfer of oxygen to other parts of the body. Lack of oxygen can damage tissues and cause major problems for the person affected. As a black male, I am very familiar with sickle cell disease. I have family members with the disease, such as my uncle who was very susceptible to illness as a child due to the di sease. I remember him telling me how his body would acheRead MoreThe Sickle Of Sickle Cell Disease1381 Words  | 6 PagesSickle cell disease is a group of inherited blood disorders that affects the red blood cells, specifically the hemoglobin. This disease is very interesting because it actually is said to have protective advantages against malaria in the traits heterozygous form. Some scientists, along with students at Kenyon college, claim that the sickle cell trait has evolved or has been naturally selected because it provides vital protection from malaria (Camperchioli). This is mainly backed by the fact thatRead MoreSickle Cell Disease1368 Words  | 6 PagesAbstract: Sickle cell disease is a severe genetic disorder which generates deformed red blood cells (RBCs). These altered red blood cells can obstruct the blood vessels causing vaso-occlusion complications. The current management of sickle cell disease is symptomatic, with the lack of any specific treatment for vaso-occlusion. Some of the recent studies have suggested the role of pro-inflammatory activity of aged neutrophils and induction of neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) formation. In additionRead MoreSickle Cell Is A Disease924 Words  | 4 PagesSickle Cell is a disease that you hear about, but not as often as you should. It is an inherited disease, â€Å"the name derives from the red cells in the blood of sufferers and they take on the shape on a sickle (crescent shape).†Another name for sickle cell is sickle cell anemia, because in some cases people become anemic. With this disease comes low levels of hemoglobin, which is the red substance in your blood that contains iron and carries oxygen. Due to the irregular shaped cells this can causeRead MoreSickle Cell Anemia And The Disease1149 Words  | 5 PagesSickle Cell Anemia LaToya R Walker American Public University Systems Abstract This paper will discuss Sickle Cell Anemia. It will describe what the disease is as well as how its contracted. The paper will go on to on to discuss the symtoms risk and statistics of sickle cell aniema. The paper will end with discussing treatment for the disease. Sickle Cell Anemia Sickle Cell Anemia or Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is a passed down blood disorder that attacks and destroys the red blood cells. This DiseaseRead More Sickle Cell Disease Essay1447 Words  | 6 PagesSickle Cell Disease Sickle Cell Disease is an illness that affects people all across the globe. This paper will give a description of the sickness through the discussion of the causes, symptoms, and possible cures. Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is a group of inherited red blood cell disorders.(1) These disorders can have various afflictions, such as pain, damage and a low blood count--Sickle Cell Anemia. The overall incidence of SCD is eight out of 100,000 people. However, it isRead MoreSickle Cell Disease And Cancer848 Words  | 4 PagesSickle Cell Disease and Thalassemias Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) and Thalassemias are similar blood disorders with some important differences. Sickle Cell Disease is a disorder where the red blood cells are sickle-shaped, which causes them to stick to vessel walls preventing much needed oxygen from traveling through the body. Thalassemias has normal looking red blood cells, but the body does not make enough healthy cells or hemoglobin. This means there is a lack of oxygen because the body does notRead MoreThe Death Of Sickle Cell Disease1755 Words  | 8 Pagesjob for over eight years that has recently discovered he has sickle cell anemia, should be dismissed from his job regarding his genetic test results. Sickle cell anaemia is the most severe form of sickle cell disease and is a genetic disease of the red blood cells (Gibbons, 2015). Red blood cells have a disk like form which allows them the ability to travel through blood vessels. Although in people with sickle cell, the red blood cells form an abnormal crescent shape which makes them rigid and sticky
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
An Abundance of Katherines Free Essays
The search for you Innerself In the novel An Abundance of Katherines by John Green we find how the need for social acceptance may often alter ones true Identity. Everyone may have different personalities in different situations. Most people can actually forget there true self because of all their other personalities, It really all depends on the social group they’d like to belong to. We will write a custom essay sample on An Abundance of Katherines or any similar topic only for you Order Now I myself can connect to Lindsey in real life, Just like her I have a few sides to myself and they all come out at different times in my life, epending on where I’m trying to fit in. People change thereselves for the people they’d like to connect with. Lindsey has a special side to her she uses when shes around her boyfriend T. O. C. , another one she uses around the elderly, and the side she begins to remember when she’s around Colin. The personality she uses when shes with T. O. C. is her made-up side that she decided to make to make him like her and also fit in with him. It was important for her to have a boyfriend at the time so she had to hide her true self and fake emotions because her and T. O. C. idn’t have too much and common. She hated his manners and jokes but she liked that he didn’t change himself for a single person and presumed to act the same In front of anyone he’d came across, that was something she wasn’t capable of. The side Lindsey uses when she’s around te elderly was the polite, innocent one. She always shows a great amount of respect for them and no matter how boring they may be she would le t them tell her stories for hours and hours at a time. without interrupting them once. or getting annoyed. They all love her. they loved her whole family, and they wanted her to always stay young so she could visit them forever, and they can’t believe how fast she’s grown since theyh. ‘e known her. You can tell they made her realize that she wasn’t being her true self when they made her cry after all the compliments they gave her. she faded away trom them though because she spent a lot ot time with her boyfriend and her friends but visiting them was still a passion of hers. The last personality we see Lindsey use in the book is the one Collin reminds her of. Out of everyone she knows he is the first one that made her feel her true self. She didn’t have to act, or pretend to be anything she wasn’t. Somehow her and Collin just understood eachother, and didn’t have to be nervous, she didn’t feel the need to try and Impress him either. Collin Just began to like her for who she really was Inside. â€Å"The people who have been In your secret places†said Collin. â€Å"The people who you bite youre thumb in front of†said Lindsey. (pg. 208). He helped her realize her true colors by accepting who she really was. There are three different sides to myself as well. e one I use most is the quiet me. When I’m in school I tend to keep to myself and stay quiet. I basically do it to give me an edge with teachers so that way if I’m ever borderline the teacher will like ‘ Of2 me ana give me a second cnance, or pass me, at least tnat’s wnat I nope Tor, altnougn I never wish to be in that sitution. I also use this side of me when I do things like go to church. I’m silent there because that’s the respectful thing to do as I’ve been taught by god and my parents. Another personality I use is my true personility, my social side. I’m an energetic, loud, fun, outgoing teenager and I plan on always being like that at acceptable times, like parties and hanging out with my buddies. There the ones that understand me the best and I can always have fun with them, and I know in the end my buddies are always here for me as I am for them. It’s the best feeling in the world having friends who I can Just be myself around and not have to worry about being misjudged and what not. The last side of me is basically both put together. This personality comes to use when I’m with family and family friends. I m very close to them but there are certain boundaries I have with them that I don’t have with friends. Family may be friends but I still have to keep in mind that there the parents and they can give me boundaries and responsibilities. There Just two different relationships. I know deep down that I have found my true identity and I have a great balance in life. Finding who you are is honestly not hard it Just happens. The best thing to do is just surround yourself by people who make you feel yourself and accept you. Understand that people have different ways of expressing themselves as well. How to cite An Abundance of Katherines, Papers
An Abundance of Katherines Free Essays
The search for you Innerself In the novel An Abundance of Katherines by John Green we find how the need for social acceptance may often alter ones true Identity. Everyone may have different personalities in different situations. Most people can actually forget there true self because of all their other personalities, It really all depends on the social group they’d like to belong to. We will write a custom essay sample on An Abundance of Katherines or any similar topic only for you Order Now I myself can connect to Lindsey in real life, Just like her I have a few sides to myself and they all come out at different times in my life, epending on where I’m trying to fit in. People change thereselves for the people they’d like to connect with. Lindsey has a special side to her she uses when shes around her boyfriend T. O. C. , another one she uses around the elderly, and the side she begins to remember when she’s around Colin. The personality she uses when shes with T. O. C. is her made-up side that she decided to make to make him like her and also fit in with him. It was important for her to have a boyfriend at the time so she had to hide her true self and fake emotions because her and T. O. C. idn’t have too much and common. She hated his manners and jokes but she liked that he didn’t change himself for a single person and presumed to act the same In front of anyone he’d came across, that was something she wasn’t capable of. The side Lindsey uses when she’s around te elderly was the polite, innocent one. She always shows a great amount of respect for them and no matter how boring they may be she would le t them tell her stories for hours and hours at a time. without interrupting them once. or getting annoyed. They all love her. they loved her whole family, and they wanted her to always stay young so she could visit them forever, and they can’t believe how fast she’s grown since theyh. ‘e known her. You can tell they made her realize that she wasn’t being her true self when they made her cry after all the compliments they gave her. she faded away trom them though because she spent a lot ot time with her boyfriend and her friends but visiting them was still a passion of hers. The last personality we see Lindsey use in the book is the one Collin reminds her of. Out of everyone she knows he is the first one that made her feel her true self. She didn’t have to act, or pretend to be anything she wasn’t. Somehow her and Collin just understood eachother, and didn’t have to be nervous, she didn’t feel the need to try and Impress him either. Collin Just began to like her for who she really was Inside. â€Å"The people who have been In your secret places†said Collin. â€Å"The people who you bite youre thumb in front of†said Lindsey. (pg. 208). He helped her realize her true colors by accepting who she really was. There are three different sides to myself as well. e one I use most is the quiet me. When I’m in school I tend to keep to myself and stay quiet. I basically do it to give me an edge with teachers so that way if I’m ever borderline the teacher will like ‘ Of2 me ana give me a second cnance, or pass me, at least tnat’s wnat I nope Tor, altnougn I never wish to be in that sitution. I also use this side of me when I do things like go to church. I’m silent there because that’s the respectful thing to do as I’ve been taught by god and my parents. Another personality I use is my true personility, my social side. I’m an energetic, loud, fun, outgoing teenager and I plan on always being like that at acceptable times, like parties and hanging out with my buddies. There the ones that understand me the best and I can always have fun with them, and I know in the end my buddies are always here for me as I am for them. It’s the best feeling in the world having friends who I can Just be myself around and not have to worry about being misjudged and what not. The last side of me is basically both put together. This personality comes to use when I’m with family and family friends. I m very close to them but there are certain boundaries I have with them that I don’t have with friends. Family may be friends but I still have to keep in mind that there the parents and they can give me boundaries and responsibilities. There Just two different relationships. I know deep down that I have found my true identity and I have a great balance in life. Finding who you are is honestly not hard it Just happens. The best thing to do is just surround yourself by people who make you feel yourself and accept you. Understand that people have different ways of expressing themselves as well. How to cite An Abundance of Katherines, Papers
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