Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Qualitative critique predictors or success for NCLEX in nursing Essay
Subjective investigate indicators or accomplishment for NCLEX in nursing understudies - Essay Example Second, there are Associate Degrees in Nursing (ADN) programs that likewise require two years of full-time study. Notwithstanding the nursing educational program, they require general instruction courses to acquire an ADN. Third, there are Baccalaureate of Science in Nursing (BSN) programs that order four years of full time study. The BSN programs are college based projects and require general training courses notwithstanding the nursing classes. After the nursing program is effectively finished, the competitor is qualified to take the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX or NCLEX-RN). Since it was first controlled in July of 1982 [1], the NCLEX has experienced numerous changes. It began as a two-day paper-and-pencil test that tried every strength territory, for example, clinical, careful, pediatrics, emotional well-being, and ladies' wellbeing, independently. Next, the test group was changed with the goal that the fortes were mixed together. Nonetheless, it despite everything was a two-day paper-and-pencil test. The latest change happened in 1994. Around then, the test was reached out into a Computer-Adaptive Test (CAT) form. It is presently given on PC and endures a normal of 3 to 4 hours. The CAT adaptation has introduced new difficulties for nursing school graduates and staff. Nursing graduaNursing graduates must be fruitful on NCLEX so as to work on nursing. There are three significant purposes behind advanced education overseers and instructors to be worried about disappointment on NCLEX. A lower provincial, state or national disappointment rate affects the medicinal services calling for two reasons: it diminishes the quantity of graduates accessible to the workforce, and it builds the measure of time until the alumni is authorized and can really add to the workforce and the calling [2]. The subsequent explanation is that lower pass rates ponder ineffectively the nursing program at organizations of advanced education and may at last mean budgetary reductions or program conclusion and melting away nursing understudy enlistments. Understudies regularly pick programs authorize by the National League for Nursing [4] and projects with a notoriety for high NCLEX pass rates. Nursing training programs in some USA states were accounted for to have a pass pace of at any rate 92.5% of the national normal (National Board of Examiners for Registered Professional Nurses, 1999) during the time of 1991 to 2000. Personnel may encounter disappointment and worries about the notoriety of their projects dependent on licensure test achievement or disappointment [5]. This has persuaded staff to distinguish factors identified with the program, educating or understudies adding to NCLEX achievement or disappointment. A third explanation behind contemplating factors foreseeing NCLEX execution is simply the effect of disappointment on the regard of the alumni and the suggestions for diminished proficient self-assurance [2, 5] portrayed sentiments experienced by graduates who bombed the NCLEX as outrage, disgrace and misery. An audit of the writing in the course of recent years uncovers numerous investigations identifying with execution of graduates on the NCLEX. These investigations fall into two classifications: understudy attributes and execution on the licensure assessment and
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A Managerial Strategy Essay
The chief reason and capacity of social insurance associations is to guarantee that their administrations. Over the entirety of their obligations is intended towards thinking about their patient’s wellbeing and stress the capacity of the association to serve their patients handily and capably. Further, they offer various kinds of administrations which incorporate clinical and social medicinal services administrations, appropriately, this incorporates open and network human services programs and in the contemporary situation, corporate force. In actuality, it has been worried in The Well-Managed Healthcare Organization that so as to guarantee that a social insurance association is truly carrying out its responsibility of protecting the wellbeing of its patients (and not so much pulling in them to be its customer), a wellbeing association ought to improve the nature of its administrations (Griffith and White, 2006), which reinforces the contention of tackling the administrative abilities of medicinal services specialists. Additionally, it ought to likewise keep up a very much encouraged plant in which the patients are being accommodated.â Given with such cases, it features the discernment that human services associations are commanded to execute certain authoritative strategies to meet the mounting inconveniences inferred over by cultural difficulties (Griffith and White, 2006). One of the refered to doable and effective methods in making administrative progress is legitimate association of the exercises and the formative arrangement of the entity.â It is through the arrangement of program destinations that the objectives are gotten and forestalls the ascent of issues which manages clashes or miscommunication. In the event that the projects are adjusted well, at that point the individuals from the association will have a reasonable vision on what's in store, and direct vital changes to improve their performance.â Simple rationale fundamentally rotates in the verity of the procedure; regular issues emerge when the association has no distinct objectives which lead to bewilderment. Like that of business elements, medicinal services professionals should likewise take the test of confronting the influxes of administrative encounters. Reference Griffith, J. R., and White, K. R. (2006). The Well-Managed Healthcare Organization (sixth ed.). New York: Health Administration Press.
Sunday, July 26, 2020
How Vitamins and Stress Are Related
How Vitamins and Stress Are Related Holistic Health Print Vitamins for Stress Relief By Elizabeth Scott, MS twitter Elizabeth Scott, MS, is a wellness coach specializing in stress management and quality of life, and the author of 8 Keys to Stress Management. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Scott, MS Updated on June 24, 2019 Tom Grill/Getty Images More in Self-Improvement Holistic Health Happiness Meditation Stress Management Spirituality Inspiration Brain Health Technology Relationships View All Vitamins are increasingly making the news as we learn more about their effects and importance for health. Because certain vitamins and nutritional supplements can affect mood, vitamins can be a potential tool for stress management in certain situations. It helps to know which vitamins have an impact and what the effects are. Molecular biologist Brian Dixon, Ph.D. and registered dietician John Bosse, both of whom work for USANA Health Sciences, explain how vitamins can affect stress levels. How Do Vitamins Affect the Body? Vitamins help your body perform optimally and multivitamin supplements can help ensure you are also getting the dosages of each mineral that you need. It is important to remember that vitamins and minerals dont work in isolation and consuming too much of one nutrient can have wide-reaching effects and actually become harmful. Also, since many vitamins and minerals work together, if an individual is low on one, body function as a whole is not optimal. Vitamins A, C, and E are powerful antioxidants. Breaking down our food and moving our bodies generates many free radicals which can lead to cumulative damage to our cells. Many environmental exposures also produce significant free radicals, which is normal, but over time, particularly with high exposure, our bodies see the effects of their cellular damage. Antioxidants help us better ward off this damage. The B vitamins, for example, thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), and biotin (B7) work primarily by acting as middlemen in helping our bodies: 1) obtain energy from the food we eat or 2) create new substances in the body. Think of B vitamins as working together sort of like workers in an assembly line. The line can still work if some people are missing, but not as effectively. Some of the B vitamins, such as folic acid (B9) and cobalamin (B12), have particularly important roles and are mentioned because their intakes are commonly low. Vitamin B12 and folic acid are important in creating healthy DNA, the genetic material in our cells. They also help keep homocysteine levels in check. Homocysteine is a substance formed during amino acid metabolism of which high levels are associated with heart disease. Vitamin D plays a very important role in bone and immune health. The volume of data on vitamin D is growing rapidly and increasingly research points toward roles in cardiovascular, muscle, and overall health. Vitamin C is also important for collagen formation which is critical to the health of our skin, tendons, and ligaments, while along with vitamin D, vitamin K is beneficial to bone health. Vitamin K is an integral player in blood clotting, preventing excessive bleeding when we have a wound and the collagen promoted by vitamin C helps in forming new tissue to close wounds and strong tissue more resistant to wounds. These are just some of the examples of teamwork between vitamins, remember there is also a great deal of collaboration between vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins D and K working with the mineral calcium to create strong bones. Vitamins Most Helpful for Stress Relief It is important to remember that “stress†can refer the emotional phenomenon of stress or cellular oxidative stress from free radical formation that we may not feel that is causing stress and damage to our cells. As our bodies are made up of many cells, over time cellular oxidative stress can manifest into damage and conditions that can be seen on the whole body level. In terms of perceived psychological stress, at least three studies have shown that supplementing with B vitamins, for two to 12 weeks, may enhance subjective mood and stress levels. While these studies were placebo-controlled, this is a fairly new area of research that most scientists would not consider conclusive. For relief from cellular oxidative stress, it may be worth incorporating a good antioxidant supplement into your diet. Antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, and E provide protection that can help reduce free-radical damage. Free-radical formation increases when our bodies are stressed. Although free radicals are normal by-products of cellular metabolism, free radicals can also result from exposure to pollution, smoking, alcohol consumption, and eating foods high in fat. Adding an antioxidant to your daily supplementation can assist in relief. Are Multivitamins Enough? Although multivitamins are a good way to introduce yourself to supplements, they aren’t necessarily going to be enough. If you are not sure if your current vitamin is the best one for you, reference the Nutrisearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements by Lyle MacWilliam to see how your vitamin rates against others. Once you have a multivitamin supplement in mind, you should meet with your physician and a dietitian to customize your supplementation regime to your individual needs. When it comes to physical wellness, it ultimately depends on the person, how active they are and the environment in which they live. For example, an indoor athlete might need more vitamin D than an athlete who performs outdoors. However, all athletes performing at extreme levels should make sure they are consuming an adequate supply to promote bone, muscle, joint, and immune health. Increasingly research shows that it is very difficult to consume enough vitamin D from the diet and supplementation may be prudent. Furthermore, extreme endurance athletes and individuals who work in industries that involve high exposure to chemicals and pollutants experience greater oxidative stress and would likely benefit more from antioxidants such as vitamins C and E. What Kind of an Effect Can Vitamins Have? The best approach to handling stress is to maintain a healthy lifestyle that supports optimal health. Vitamins can serve as good complements for other emotional stress management strategies such as exercise, progressive muscle relaxation, naps, a good night’s sleep, and deep breathing, but are not a substitute. You may notice an increase in your energy level within a short period of beginning supplementation and this could help how you perceive emotional stressors. It is important to remember, however, that it generally takes a few months to build up levels of nutrients in the body that are high enough to experience noticeable results. Emotional stress management techniques usually provide noticeable results sooner. However, in terms of combating chronic oxidative stress, antioxidant supplements immediately begin silently providing many benefits to enhance health. Ultimately these benefits enhance long-term vigor in ways you can feel and even in those you can’t. Safety A supplementation regime should begin with a high-quality supplement, such as a multivitamin. The safety and purity of vitamins are other common concerns. It is typically safest to purchase from a company that has been in business for a while and is known for high-quality goods manufacturing. Don’t be afraid to shop around, not just for price, but to ensure that what you think you are putting in your body is in fact what is in the bottle. For example, you can access third-party data from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to let you know if the products you are considering taking are pure and free of contaminants. There are even a few companies, such as USANA Health Sciences, that hold FDA registration, which assures you their products are being held to the highest standards for quality and purity. If you have specific needs or concerns you should always consult a physician before taking any supplement. This is especially recommended if you are pregnant, thinking about becoming pregnant, breastfeeding, taking any medications, or otherwise being treated for some disease/condition, to ensure you are taking care of your health needs. The function of the human body is an amazing interplay of multiple organs and systems. Proper nutrition provides the fuel and intermediates (vitamins) to allow seamless integration of these systems to produce a vibrant, healthy individual. Unfortunately, there are many environmental exposures, both emotional and physical, that can disrupt our homeostasis, requiring us to take our stress management strategies up a notch. Along with other strategies, vitamins can play a key role in maintaining health and managing daily stress. Supplementation becomes even more critical for the majority of American’s that consume a diet that is inadequate in so many vitamins. However, there are a few important things to understand and consider when choosing a vitamin supplementation regimen, particularly with stress management in mind. Having read this article you now have a better understanding on the interconnected role vitamins play in the body, a distinction between types of stress, and realistic expectations of vitamin supplementation. Most individuals can benefit from regular multivitamin supplementation to enhance a healthy lifestyle. Benefits of a good supplementation and nutritional program will likely be evident as you age because those who have received optimal nutrients, in the long term, will have much lower risks of developing chronic degenerative diseases. Talk to your physician or nutrition professional for a more specific plan to optimize your health.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Retaining Ethics Rule And A Diversity - 715 Words
Retaining ethics rule and a diversity is important in business world to succeed, but some businesspeople fail to apply diversity to their business. Particularly, discrimination is a case that proves the failure of business. In the case â€Å"Short Shorts,†it shows gender discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace. Lucy is a waitress at the Sandtrap, which is located on the beach and a popular restaurant for night bands. The Sandtrap is attractive during customers’ vacation season, but the number of customers is drastically declined during the off-season. Although Fred, an owner of the Sandtrap, tried various attempts such as promotions, these were not effective, and the final strategy which is changing waitresses’ uniforms was successful. All waitresses have to wear â€Å"low-cut and tight-fitting shirts,†and Lucy argued about her uncomfortable feelings due to sexual harassment by male customer, but Don, a manager, cared about only their profi ts. However, gender discrimination and sexual harassment cannot create profits and these are contrary to core human values. Don wants Lucy to follow his decision which causes gender discrimination and sexual harassment, but it would finally decrease their profits. From the standpoint of consequentialist who more focus on whether a consequence is positive or negative rather than focusing on the way to reach the consequence, Don’s strategy can be a right action because high profit is absolutely good consequence and it is whatShow MoreRelatedPotential Employees With Diverse Lifestyles Into The Workforce Essay1524 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"Many managers and scholars agree that diversity is a positive factor that leads to competitive economic advantage for organizations†(Von Bergen, Soper, Parnell, 2005, p. 1). 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Friday, May 8, 2020
The Sickle Of Sickle Cell Disease - 852 Words
Sickle cell disease was discovered in 1910 in the United States. Many cases came to surface after that, and it was clear that sickle cell disease is predominantly common in the African American ethnicity. Sickle cell disease is caused by a mutation in the hemoglobin of red blood cells. The most common, known sickle cell disease is sickle cell anemia. There is no cure for Sickle cell disease, but there was a treatment that help relieve pain, prevent infections, and prevent organ damage. A drug called Hydroxyurea could be used to increase the production of fetal hemoglobin during pregnancy. Bone marrow treatment, is when stem cells are removed from one person to another person. Cord blood with stem cell transplantation, can replace someone’s abnormal stem cells with a donors stem cell. Symptoms Signs that show when sickle cell is present is when anemia starts to show in the blood cells and they become weak to where it breaks apart, periods of pain where the blood is unable to flow to the vessels which causes joint pain, and recurrent infections because sickle cell can damage organs that help fight off infections. Sickle cell was a trait that was inherited by one or both parents. The shape of a normal red blood cell is a disc-shape that looked like a doughnut, whereas a sickle cell has a crescent shape. An individual that inherited the defective gene from both parents had the sickle cell gene and is homozygous. If left untreated, usually the person would die in theirShow MoreRelatedSickle And The Sickle Cell Disease1369 Words  | 6 PagesThe sickle cell disease affects about 100,000 people in the America. The most common ethnic group the sickle cell anemia is seen in is African Americans and Hispanics. Approximately one in every ten African American and one in every one hundred Hispanic Americans have the sickle cell trait. Approximately two million people have the sickle cell trait in America. Approximately one in five- hundred African Americans and one in one thousand to one thousand and four hundred Hispanic-Americans have sickleRead MoreSickle Of Sickle Cell Disease706 Words  | 3 PagesSickle Cell Disease Sickle Cell Disease or also widely known as Sickle Cell Anemia is a genetic mutation caused in red blood cells destroys its own cells within and reshaping the cell wall resembling crescent or sickle shape; getting its name of the sickle cell disease. These sickled shaped cells attempt to perform its normal function of circulating oxygenated and deoxygenated RBC and gets lodged in small vessels causing vaso-occlusion. Where vaso-occlusive take effect, rest of the body is not receivingRead MoreSickle Of Sickle Cell Disease2167 Words  | 9 PagesSickle cell disease is an ailment that specifically targets red blood cells, causing them to sickle into a cone shape and hinders the transfer of oxygen to other parts of the body. Lack of oxygen can damage tissues and cause major problems for the person affected. As a black male, I am very familiar with sickle cell disease. I have family members with the disease, such as my uncle who was very susceptible to illness as a child due to the di sease. I remember him telling me how his body would acheRead MoreThe Sickle Of Sickle Cell Disease1381 Words  | 6 PagesSickle cell disease is a group of inherited blood disorders that affects the red blood cells, specifically the hemoglobin. This disease is very interesting because it actually is said to have protective advantages against malaria in the traits heterozygous form. Some scientists, along with students at Kenyon college, claim that the sickle cell trait has evolved or has been naturally selected because it provides vital protection from malaria (Camperchioli). This is mainly backed by the fact thatRead MoreSickle Cell Disease1368 Words  | 6 PagesAbstract: Sickle cell disease is a severe genetic disorder which generates deformed red blood cells (RBCs). These altered red blood cells can obstruct the blood vessels causing vaso-occlusion complications. The current management of sickle cell disease is symptomatic, with the lack of any specific treatment for vaso-occlusion. Some of the recent studies have suggested the role of pro-inflammatory activity of aged neutrophils and induction of neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) formation. In additionRead MoreSickle Cell Is A Disease924 Words  | 4 PagesSickle Cell is a disease that you hear about, but not as often as you should. It is an inherited disease, â€Å"the name derives from the red cells in the blood of sufferers and they take on the shape on a sickle (crescent shape).†Another name for sickle cell is sickle cell anemia, because in some cases people become anemic. With this disease comes low levels of hemoglobin, which is the red substance in your blood that contains iron and carries oxygen. Due to the irregular shaped cells this can causeRead MoreSickle Cell Anemia And The Disease1149 Words  | 5 PagesSickle Cell Anemia LaToya R Walker American Public University Systems Abstract This paper will discuss Sickle Cell Anemia. It will describe what the disease is as well as how its contracted. The paper will go on to on to discuss the symtoms risk and statistics of sickle cell aniema. The paper will end with discussing treatment for the disease. Sickle Cell Anemia Sickle Cell Anemia or Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is a passed down blood disorder that attacks and destroys the red blood cells. This DiseaseRead More Sickle Cell Disease Essay1447 Words  | 6 PagesSickle Cell Disease Sickle Cell Disease is an illness that affects people all across the globe. This paper will give a description of the sickness through the discussion of the causes, symptoms, and possible cures. Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is a group of inherited red blood cell disorders.(1) These disorders can have various afflictions, such as pain, damage and a low blood count--Sickle Cell Anemia. The overall incidence of SCD is eight out of 100,000 people. However, it isRead MoreSickle Cell Disease And Cancer848 Words  | 4 PagesSickle Cell Disease and Thalassemias Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) and Thalassemias are similar blood disorders with some important differences. Sickle Cell Disease is a disorder where the red blood cells are sickle-shaped, which causes them to stick to vessel walls preventing much needed oxygen from traveling through the body. Thalassemias has normal looking red blood cells, but the body does not make enough healthy cells or hemoglobin. This means there is a lack of oxygen because the body does notRead MoreThe Death Of Sickle Cell Disease1755 Words  | 8 Pagesjob for over eight years that has recently discovered he has sickle cell anemia, should be dismissed from his job regarding his genetic test results. Sickle cell anaemia is the most severe form of sickle cell disease and is a genetic disease of the red blood cells (Gibbons, 2015). Red blood cells have a disk like form which allows them the ability to travel through blood vessels. Although in people with sickle cell, the red blood cells form an abnormal crescent shape which makes them rigid and sticky
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
An Abundance of Katherines Free Essays
The search for you Innerself In the novel An Abundance of Katherines by John Green we find how the need for social acceptance may often alter ones true Identity. Everyone may have different personalities in different situations. Most people can actually forget there true self because of all their other personalities, It really all depends on the social group they’d like to belong to. We will write a custom essay sample on An Abundance of Katherines or any similar topic only for you Order Now I myself can connect to Lindsey in real life, Just like her I have a few sides to myself and they all come out at different times in my life, epending on where I’m trying to fit in. People change thereselves for the people they’d like to connect with. Lindsey has a special side to her she uses when shes around her boyfriend T. O. C. , another one she uses around the elderly, and the side she begins to remember when she’s around Colin. The personality she uses when shes with T. O. C. is her made-up side that she decided to make to make him like her and also fit in with him. It was important for her to have a boyfriend at the time so she had to hide her true self and fake emotions because her and T. O. C. idn’t have too much and common. She hated his manners and jokes but she liked that he didn’t change himself for a single person and presumed to act the same In front of anyone he’d came across, that was something she wasn’t capable of. The side Lindsey uses when she’s around te elderly was the polite, innocent one. She always shows a great amount of respect for them and no matter how boring they may be she would le t them tell her stories for hours and hours at a time. without interrupting them once. or getting annoyed. They all love her. they loved her whole family, and they wanted her to always stay young so she could visit them forever, and they can’t believe how fast she’s grown since theyh. ‘e known her. You can tell they made her realize that she wasn’t being her true self when they made her cry after all the compliments they gave her. she faded away trom them though because she spent a lot ot time with her boyfriend and her friends but visiting them was still a passion of hers. The last personality we see Lindsey use in the book is the one Collin reminds her of. Out of everyone she knows he is the first one that made her feel her true self. She didn’t have to act, or pretend to be anything she wasn’t. Somehow her and Collin just understood eachother, and didn’t have to be nervous, she didn’t feel the need to try and Impress him either. Collin Just began to like her for who she really was Inside. â€Å"The people who have been In your secret places†said Collin. â€Å"The people who you bite youre thumb in front of†said Lindsey. (pg. 208). He helped her realize her true colors by accepting who she really was. There are three different sides to myself as well. e one I use most is the quiet me. When I’m in school I tend to keep to myself and stay quiet. I basically do it to give me an edge with teachers so that way if I’m ever borderline the teacher will like ‘ Of2 me ana give me a second cnance, or pass me, at least tnat’s wnat I nope Tor, altnougn I never wish to be in that sitution. I also use this side of me when I do things like go to church. I’m silent there because that’s the respectful thing to do as I’ve been taught by god and my parents. Another personality I use is my true personility, my social side. I’m an energetic, loud, fun, outgoing teenager and I plan on always being like that at acceptable times, like parties and hanging out with my buddies. There the ones that understand me the best and I can always have fun with them, and I know in the end my buddies are always here for me as I am for them. It’s the best feeling in the world having friends who I can Just be myself around and not have to worry about being misjudged and what not. The last side of me is basically both put together. This personality comes to use when I’m with family and family friends. I m very close to them but there are certain boundaries I have with them that I don’t have with friends. Family may be friends but I still have to keep in mind that there the parents and they can give me boundaries and responsibilities. There Just two different relationships. I know deep down that I have found my true identity and I have a great balance in life. Finding who you are is honestly not hard it Just happens. The best thing to do is just surround yourself by people who make you feel yourself and accept you. Understand that people have different ways of expressing themselves as well. How to cite An Abundance of Katherines, Papers
An Abundance of Katherines Free Essays
The search for you Innerself In the novel An Abundance of Katherines by John Green we find how the need for social acceptance may often alter ones true Identity. Everyone may have different personalities in different situations. Most people can actually forget there true self because of all their other personalities, It really all depends on the social group they’d like to belong to. We will write a custom essay sample on An Abundance of Katherines or any similar topic only for you Order Now I myself can connect to Lindsey in real life, Just like her I have a few sides to myself and they all come out at different times in my life, epending on where I’m trying to fit in. People change thereselves for the people they’d like to connect with. Lindsey has a special side to her she uses when shes around her boyfriend T. O. C. , another one she uses around the elderly, and the side she begins to remember when she’s around Colin. The personality she uses when shes with T. O. C. is her made-up side that she decided to make to make him like her and also fit in with him. It was important for her to have a boyfriend at the time so she had to hide her true self and fake emotions because her and T. O. C. idn’t have too much and common. She hated his manners and jokes but she liked that he didn’t change himself for a single person and presumed to act the same In front of anyone he’d came across, that was something she wasn’t capable of. The side Lindsey uses when she’s around te elderly was the polite, innocent one. She always shows a great amount of respect for them and no matter how boring they may be she would le t them tell her stories for hours and hours at a time. without interrupting them once. or getting annoyed. They all love her. they loved her whole family, and they wanted her to always stay young so she could visit them forever, and they can’t believe how fast she’s grown since theyh. ‘e known her. You can tell they made her realize that she wasn’t being her true self when they made her cry after all the compliments they gave her. she faded away trom them though because she spent a lot ot time with her boyfriend and her friends but visiting them was still a passion of hers. The last personality we see Lindsey use in the book is the one Collin reminds her of. Out of everyone she knows he is the first one that made her feel her true self. She didn’t have to act, or pretend to be anything she wasn’t. Somehow her and Collin just understood eachother, and didn’t have to be nervous, she didn’t feel the need to try and Impress him either. Collin Just began to like her for who she really was Inside. â€Å"The people who have been In your secret places†said Collin. â€Å"The people who you bite youre thumb in front of†said Lindsey. (pg. 208). He helped her realize her true colors by accepting who she really was. There are three different sides to myself as well. e one I use most is the quiet me. When I’m in school I tend to keep to myself and stay quiet. I basically do it to give me an edge with teachers so that way if I’m ever borderline the teacher will like ‘ Of2 me ana give me a second cnance, or pass me, at least tnat’s wnat I nope Tor, altnougn I never wish to be in that sitution. I also use this side of me when I do things like go to church. I’m silent there because that’s the respectful thing to do as I’ve been taught by god and my parents. Another personality I use is my true personility, my social side. I’m an energetic, loud, fun, outgoing teenager and I plan on always being like that at acceptable times, like parties and hanging out with my buddies. There the ones that understand me the best and I can always have fun with them, and I know in the end my buddies are always here for me as I am for them. It’s the best feeling in the world having friends who I can Just be myself around and not have to worry about being misjudged and what not. The last side of me is basically both put together. This personality comes to use when I’m with family and family friends. I m very close to them but there are certain boundaries I have with them that I don’t have with friends. Family may be friends but I still have to keep in mind that there the parents and they can give me boundaries and responsibilities. There Just two different relationships. I know deep down that I have found my true identity and I have a great balance in life. Finding who you are is honestly not hard it Just happens. The best thing to do is just surround yourself by people who make you feel yourself and accept you. Understand that people have different ways of expressing themselves as well. How to cite An Abundance of Katherines, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
The political affairs and strategies of immigration laws in the State of North Carolina
Introduction The idea behind this research paper is to draw public attention concerning a current and rising phenomenon especially in the State of North Carolina, viz. the regional enactment of immigration laws.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The political affairs and strategies of immigration laws in the State of North Carolina specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The aforementioned immigration laws are contained in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) part 287(g). This research paper seeks to generate substantive concerns and encourage further discussion concerning the varying demographics in the State North Carolina, the unsuccessful immigration restructuring at the national stage,ss and the manner in which the State has reacted. In addition, this research paper centers on the execution of the section 287(g) plan according to the INA, and the effect on the society when local law enactment agencies c arry out immigration enactment tasks. Immigration represents an intricate section of law essentially in the field of the federal government in the constitution of the United States. Of late, federal immigration officials have conventionally enacted laws on immigration (ICE 2). The section 287 (g) of the INA was passed in 1996 and was amended by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to strengthen the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) of the United States to build accords with the state and regional police enactment agencies to implement immigration examining and enactment tasks. The formed accords are referred to as Memoranda of Understanding. In addition, the accords are termed as Memoranda of Agreement (MOA) and they â€Å"act on behalf of†the State and local law enactment officials to enact particular laws on immigration. Currently, it is approximated that more than 65 law enactment agencies all through the country have formed such accords and have started enac ting laws on immigration at an exceptional pace (Weissman 16). Having about nine agencies presently signaled on, the State of North Carolina turns out to be number two in the ranking according the present number of section 287 (g) schemes in the State. Nevertheless, to date, these agencies have operated under the Memoranda of Agreement with insignificant transparency or supervision and there has been inconsequential, if any, responsibility as to the execution of the plan. Moreover, from the time of the execution of section 287(g), â€Å"Hispanic-looking†individuals in particular have complained of prejudiced abuses associated with the execution of the program. The reported abuses encompass molestation of legal inhabitants and citizens and consequent isolation of ethnic societies from police power and defense.Advertising Looking for research paper on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Marginalized gr oups Section 287 (g) acts on behalf of regional law enactment officials when it comes to carrying out of immigration tasks in their normal functions. These duties comprise assessing the condition of believed undocumented inhabitants that are kept in custody or stopped for explanations different from their condition. Therefore, section 287 (g) is appropriate merely to undocumented inhabitants legally kept in custody or stopped. Nevertheless, as studies and proof from researches indicate, the application and execution of the program deviate from the lawful obligations. Section 287 (g) is no longer applied as an instrument to assist law enactment, but rather like regionalized immigration artillery and instrument for bullying and segregation of foreign individuals and Hispanic inhabitants and citizens (ICE 3). The involvement of single states and nations in section 287 (g) frequently goes by a well-published society awful occasion that the media and community connect with negligent immi gration enactment. In adopting the MOAs, a signing on a municipality or a department of law habitually supplies a statement asserting that section 287 (g) is just applicable to the fierce repeat lawbreaker. For instance, before finalizing an accord with ICE, regional law enactment officers normally affirm that the MOAs will not influence general associations with the Hispanic and immigrant society, thus affirming that nothing could take place unless the people involved were detained for committing the offenses. Unluckily, undocumented habitation is progressively recognized as a predicate offense deserving police interest and capital. Section 287 (g) is accordingly applied to rid the town of an undesirable immigrant existence. In the initial half a year after the execution of its Memoranda of Agreement, Mecklenburg County set more than 1000 undocumented residents for expatriation (Weissman 23). Even if Alamance County was functioning with a lesser inhabitants and lesser enactment cap ital, it is proud of managing more than 400 people in the first year of involvement in the plan. Rather than concentrating on those individuals that are charged with heinous offenses as indicated by ICE, regional law enactment officials appear to be aiming at propellers of a given race or country of origin and harassing them for defiance of traffic rules. For instance, in early 2008, around 84 per cent of immigrants in Gaston County kept in custody through Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials acting as per the section 287 (g) were faced with charges of defiance of traffic rules. This model has persisted as the plan has been executed everywhere in the state. The statistics of the people arrested show that both Alamance and Mecklenburg Counties are characteristic in aiming at Hispanics’ violation of traffic rules for the basis of expatriation strategy.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The political affairs and strategies of immigration la ws in the State of North Carolina specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The violent distribution of police capital has severe insinuations for the bigger society. In fact, section 287 (g) has to be comprehended to effect a global force on the societies. Initially, like outlined, section 287 (g) promotes or in the least tolerate racial profiling and unjustified typecasting, thus leading to the harassment of the inhabitants in the regions in addition to the segregation of a progressively marginalized group. Shockingly, a recent research suggested that in Mexico, it was not found strange to indulge in sex with girls between the ages of 12 and 15, as they as well engage in excessive drinking of beer. An individual from North Carolina stated that the excessive drinking demonstrated by the Mexicans owes to the fact that their growing up was in regions that water was not good (Weissman 31). Of late, a researcher pointed out his hostility toward m igrants by affirming that they give birth like rabbits coupled with practicing rape, theft, and killing of the residents of the US. Mexicans were categorized as shoddy and it was said that what they are best in is carrying out their duties on top of having sex. In Johnston County, the ambition is to eradicate all the immigrant individuals. Via section 287 (g) accords, assistants and officials in North Carolina possess the capital and nearly unshackled command to function on the prejudiced response, which they have adopted. The aforementioned operations boost the illegitimate operation of racial profiling. This racial profiling fails to be just lawfully inadmissible, but since it is anchored on typecasts and illegal suppositions regarding the inclination of a given group to engage in criminal activities, is as well morally wrong and inefficient. As the courts are now aware, presumptions anchored on racial discrimination lead to unconstructive racial typecasts, which are harmful to th e affluent and varied social equality, and significantly damage the endeavors to sustain a just community (Weissman 34). The communal and human costs brought about by such profiling are vast. Racial profiling lessens trust and trims down chances of establishing social resources and personal links that contribute powerfully to societies. Racial minorities, which have been put under harassment and law enactment, encounter a profound sense of discrimination, thus frequently bringing about mistrust and skepticism toward State and regional institutions. For instance, a woman residing in Johnston County and is a lawful permanent inhabitant who has four citizen kids affirms that many Hispanics have a feeling that law officials are seeking justifications to expatriate them.Advertising Looking for research paper on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This mistrust could breed unwillingness to participate in the construction of social and monetary associations that create lively and strong neighborhoods. Even as the Hispanic society is most directly implicated, the execution of section 287 (g) creates unconstructive results for the safety and honor of the society in general (Redmon 3). The hostile application of local police to enact immigration law frequently means that susceptible populations are less ready to interrelate with the police, be it in reporting criminal activities or in providing information, both unfavorable to the security of every member of the society. The section 287 (g) thus has to be comprehended as having a global influence. Racial Profiling of â€Å"Hispanic-looking†group The equal defense clause of the 14th Amendment broadens its protection to everyone in command of the US and hinders law enactment from stopping, jailing, or hunting people anchored on racial attributes (Davis 20). The expression à ¢â‚¬Å"racial profiling†denotes the undertaking by law enactment officers depending on race, ethnicity, religion, or country of origin in choosing which people to put through habitual or unstructured investigatory actions, or in choosing upon the scale and essence of law enactment action subsequent to investigatory practice. The greater part of section 287 (g) plans in the State of North Carolina include detention pattern plans, by stating that 287 (g)-skilled officials are not permitted to assess the immigration of people unless they have been kept in custody on other accusations and are confined in jails. In this regard, the general rule is relevant concerning the prevention against law enactment stopping, arresting, or getting hold of people due to their ethnic attributes. However, inhabitants in local societies where section 287 (g) schemes are in place have articulated concerns that a number of section 287 (g) officials are defying lawful standards and participating in ra cial profiling through stopping of automobilists that seem to be Hispanic. Local inhabitants and support groups have heaved alarms that under the disguise of pretextual automobile stops and authorization checkpoints, law enactment officials seem to be aiming at Hispanic-seeming people for minor traffic misdeeds. Violation of the constitution The racial profiling that is a product of section 287 (g) accords not only infringes the clause on equal protection in the US constitution, but also impinges on the constitution of North Carolina. In article 1 (19) of the constitution of North Carolina, there is a provision that there is no individual that shall be left without equal defense of the law, and no one shall be discriminated by the State on account of ethnicity, color, religious beliefs, or country of origin (Alexander 175-208). Breach of Case Law Like the Supreme Court of the US, the Supreme Court of North Carolina submits government actions that show favoritism toward a class of in dividuals on account of race or country of origin to an utmost degree of inspection that can only be legitimated following the realization that there exists no other ways to achieve a coercing government concern. In accordance with section 287 (g), the police who seize Hispanics via racial profiling are leaving those people without equal defense of the law. The racially discriminatory affirmations concerning Hispanic immigrants uttered by different law enactment agencies as noted in this research paper are not justifiable nor do they prove a forcing governmental concern for provocative declarations like the aforementioned (Armenta 210). The racially discriminative remarks link with unpredictable routine traffic checkpoints of Hispanics for no explanation or for pretextual explanations. There exists no obliging government concern for such racially stimulated checkpoints, especially given the underlying principle for the scheme by Immigration and Customs Enforcement that was developed to seize rebels and hostility criminals. This conduct goes against the clause on Equal Protection in the US constitution as well as against the constitution of North Carolina. In a certain court case, the court disregarded accusations against a Hispanic suspect who showed that his detention was stimulated partly by his ethnicity or country of origin in breach of the article 1 (19) of the North Carolina Constitution. The judgment of the aforementioned court is inconsistent with the conditions in different counties where section 287 (g) accords have been signed on, and the detaining state trooper uttered different prejudiced comments. The court deemed the discriminatory declarations of the state trooper justifiable by affirming that everybody is aware that a Hispanic man purchasing liquor during the nighttime is possibly already under the influence of alcohol in addition to the confession of patrolling a given region in search of Hispanic men (Lewis et al. 25). The remarks clearly de monstrated racial profiling: the illustration account of the trooper indicated that 71 per cent of his accounts were done in opposition to Hispanics in a region where Hispanics constituted just 32 per cent of the entire population. The Supreme Court of North Carolina (SCNC) supported the judgment by the trial court to disregard the accusations against the suspect. Suggestions for perfection Excellent Governance, intelligibility and compliance with the Law The network of stops and balances is among the most essential features of the US system of government. The outliners of the constitution of the United States proposed the stops and balances not just to be the strength of the United States federal and national government framework, but as well the basic foundation of community. The strategy of provision by conflicting and rival concerns and the defect of better intentions could be outlined through the entire network of human affairs, public, and non-public (Varsanyi 896). The basic interest with the section 287 (g) schemes is specifically this deficient of opposite and rival concern within the network. Nevertheless, section 287 (g) has been illustrated to be deficient in intelligibility, with no offering for society input in the making or execution of the Memoranda of Agreement. Additionally, almost no defense methods are entrenched within the scheme to offset the authority it places on contracted enactment establishments. The Memoranda of Agreement on section 287 (g) are frequently made devoid of society notice or chance for public remarks. Involved essential groups hardly ever have the chance to converse or deliberate on the scheme with their elected representatives prior to its execution. Moreover, with respect to the wide-ranging authority accorded to county sheriffs consistent with the law of North Carolina, there emerges the sheriff division. The sheriff division permits conciliations based on Memoranda of Agreement practically on their own devoid of the endorsement of the County Board of Commissioners (CBC) save for concerns associated with the MOA financial plan. In this regard, contracts for the schemes have been conferred devoid of the protections intrinsic in and essential to the democratic progression. Agencies executing section 287 (g) seem to take slight or no attempt to establish or publicize the complaint method, the basic checks accessible to the public that is necessitated by federal directive (Weissman 52). Moreover, even if the Memoranda of Agreement requires a steering team, such a team will just be successful if it offers a depiction of people from an extensive scope of settings and concerns in the society. The recommendations outlined below can offer more defense mechanisms for the rights in the execution of section 287 (g). Amendment of all present 287 (g) schemes and execution in all new section 287 (g) schemes to allow dispensation just for those found guilty of crimes. MOAs must contract Local Law Enforcement Agencies to participate in society outreach to offer knowledge on the operation and process of the scheme (Weissman 53). Currently, such outreach is just voluntary and hardly developed. Agencies willing to sign on section 287 (g) accords must be required to call a public gathering open to every willing members of the society prior to signing. Contracting authorities should enact an operational complaint system as necessitated by federal directives and sufficiently publicize this system in both Spanish and English Conclusion The initiative behind this research paper has drawn public attention regarding a current and rising experience particularly in the State of North Carolina. The immigration laws under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) section 287(g) have as well played a key role in the development of this research paper. Having approximately nine agencies presently signaled on, the State of North Carolina ranks position two in the standing according the present number of section 287 (g) schemes. However, to date, the agencies have functioned under the Memoranda of Agreement with trivial transparency or control and there has been negligible, if any, liability as to the execution of the scheme. Section 287 (g) is no longer employed as an instrument to back law enactment, but rather like regionalized immigration armament and instrument for singling out and segregating the foreign individuals and Hispanic inhabitants and citizens. The violent allocation of police capital has severe allusions for the public. In essence, section 287 (g) has to be comprehended to achieve global strength on the societies. The aforementioned operations enhance the unlawful function of racial profiling. This racial profiling fails to be just lawfully prohibited, but given that it is anchored on typecasts and illegal suppositions concerning the preference of a given group to engage in criminal behavior, is as well morally wrong and inefficient. There are recommendations that can offer better defense mechanisms for the rights in the execution of section 287 (g) if they are adhered to in the process of law enforcement. Works Cited Alexander, Michelle. The new Jim crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, New York: The New Press, 2010. Print. Armenta, Amada. â€Å"From Sheriff’s Deputies to Immigration Officers: Screening Immigrant Status in a Tennessee Jail.†Law Policy 34.2 (2012): 191-210. Print. Davis, Angela. Are prisons obsolete? New York: Seven Stories Press, 2011. Print. ICE. Fact Sheet: Delegation of Immigration Authority Section 287(g) Immigration and Nationality Act, n.d Web. Lewis, Paul, Doris Provine, Monica Varsanyi, and Scott Decker. â€Å"Why do (some) city police departments enforce federal immigration law? Political, demographic, and organizational influences on local choices.†Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 23.1 (2013): 1-25. Print. Redmon, Jeremy. â€Å"Feds scrap state immigr ation enforcement program.†The Atlanta Journal of Constitution, 2012. Web. Varsanyi, Monica. â€Å"Rescaling the â€Å"alien,†rescaling personhood: Neoliberalism, immigration, and the state.†Annals of the Association of American Geographers 98.4 (2008): 877-896. Print. Weissman, Deborah. The policies and politics of local immigration enforcement laws: 287 (g) program in North Carolina, North Carolina: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2009. Print. Annotated bibliography Alexander, Michelle. The new Jim crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, New York: The New Press, 2010. Print Alexander, a lawyer, wrote this book. In her book, she declared that her fight against drugs reinstated the fight against poverty and established a lawful manner to single out African-Americans following the end of the slave trade. This discrimination happened by seizing the communities of blacks for use of drugs, even though an equal number of whites were a lso taking the drugs. African-Americans were unjustifiably arrested and imprisoned for the rest of their lives. This erected insuperable hindrances. The research paper takes its arguments of the troubles of its victims (Hispanic-appearing residents) and demand for amendments in the constitution from this book. Armenta, Amada. â€Å"From Sheriff’s Deputies to Immigration Officers: Screening Immigrant Status in a Tennessee Jail.†Law Policy 34.2 (2012): 191-210. Print. This article concentrates on the execution of section 287 (g) schemes in the counties of Tennessee and Davidson. Immigration officials take themselves as intended supervisors with the fundamental accountabilities of recognizing and determining immigrants for deportation. These decisions vary from pride at recognizing unlawful foreigners to guilt for making immigrants be arrested for minor mistakes. Finally, this article demonstrates that immigration officials perform as if they are connected to the federa l government instead of acting like autonomous agents. The arguments on the research paper on arrests and deportation are obtained from this article. Coutin, Susan. â€Å"The rights of noncitizens in the United States.†Annual Review of Law and Social Science 7.1 (2011): 289-308. Print. Studies on the rights of non-residents in the US seek to discuss the rights and omissions with the integration of new theories concerning racialization and the situations of exclusion. This article differentiated between lawful and unlawful immigration, with a concentration on incorporation, racialism, and new racial territories. Moreover, intellectuals have developed expressions like â€Å"crimmigration†to discuss the unparalleled union with unlawful acts and laws on immigration. Other expressions used include â€Å"rescaling†to denote swings from countrywide to regional enactment attempts. Davis, Angela. Are prisons obsolete? New York: Seven Stories Press, 2011. Print. Using her characteristic vividness, elegance and thorough boldness, the author has presented the instance for the recent abolishment movement in the US: the abolishment of the prison. For a long time, the abolishment of the slave trade was a difficult endeavor. Likewise, the unshakable network of racial discrimination appeared to last for a long duration and cohorts existed amid the occurrence. The hostile convict-lease establishment that followed formal slaveholding reaped countless individuals to southern authorities. In this book, the author demonstrates that time for the prison is nearing the end and fights for the conversion of the community in general. The research paper obtains its argument of arrests and end to the racial discrimination of Hispanic residents from this book. ICE. Fact Sheet: Delegation of Immigration Authority Section 287(g) Immigration and Nationality Act, n.d. Web. The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) stands as the biggest exploratory group in the Depart ment of Homeland Security (DHS) in the United States and is accountable for enacting federal laws on immigration as a section of its assignment on homeland safekeeping. ICE operates closely with federal and regional law enactment officials in this task. The section 287 (g) schemes, among the best joint venture plans of the ICE, are contained in the shared Memoranda of Agreement (MOA). This is necessary to permit reception of delegated power for immigration enactment in their authority. The research paper uses judgments concerning ICE and MOA from this source. Lewis, Paul, Doris Provine, Monica Varsanyi, and Scott Decker. â€Å"Why do (some) city police departments enforce federal immigration law? Political, demographic, and organizational influences on local choices.†Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 23.1 (2013): 1-25. Print. From this article, congress established a new means of enacting immigration laws by permitting state and regional law enactment offi cials to take part. This article examines these concerns through analysis of statistics from a study of police departments. The existence of Hispanic police chief is related to less exhaustive immigration enactment by regional police. The research paper pushes for immigrant-supportive strategy dedications with respect to affirmations from this article. Prescott, Peter. The Norton Book of American Short Stories, New York: Norton, 1988. Print. Having over fifty short stories, comprising writings by Ellen Gilchrist and Raymond, this book provides an assortment of style and collection of emotion that reveals the abundant culture of the American encounter. This book covers the majority of the most prominent instances of the field. The story in this book that could be the most striking in relation to the research paper is â€Å"The ones who walk away from Omelas†. Another short narrative includes â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†. Redmon, Jeremy. â€Å"Feds scrap state immigration enforcement program.†The Atlanta Journal of Constitution, 2012. Web. The section 287 (g) schemes acts on behalf of regional and state law enactment officials to enact federal laws on immigration. With respect to the county stage, the schemes frequently function through detentions, offering the command of sheriff assistants to inquire individuals concerning their lawful position, imprison and convey them for immigrations infringements. Nevertheless, Georgia Department of Public Safety as well manages operational schemes that bring about expatriations. Recently, the government of Obama made it public that it was bringing the schemes of states to a close. The research paper basis its decisions on expatriation from this source. Varsanyi, Monica. â€Å"Rescaling the â€Å"alien,†rescaling personhood: Neoliberalism, immigration, and the state.†Annals of the Association of American Geographers 98.4 (2008): 877-896. Print. This article basis its argument on the moder n constitution of neoliberal residents through the application of immigrations powers by the federal government of the US from a study of applicable laws and court cases. The federal government has had the command over immigration that has allowed it to take some of its residents as immigrant but demanding that states take immigrants as residents. The arguments of immigrants and mistreatment of the Hispanic-appearing residents as underscored in the research pap eave been obtained from this article. Weissman, Deborah. The policies and politics of local immigration enforcement laws: 287 (g) program in North Carolina, North Carolina: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2009. Print. The idea behind the publication by Weissman Deborah is to draw public attention concerning a current and rising phenomenon especially in the State of North Carolina because of immigration laws are under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) section 287(g). The work by Weissman seeks to generate substantive concerns and encourage further discussion concerning the varying demographics in the State North Carolina, the unsuccessful immigration restructuring at the national stage, and the manner in which the State has reacted. The research paper bases most of its arguments on section 287(g) and the effect on society as local law enactment agencies carry out immigration enactment tasks from this publication. This research paper on The political affairs and strategies of immigration laws in the State of North Carolina was written and submitted by user Mustafa Holman to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
The Factors That Influence Communication Essays
The Factors That Influence Communication Essays The Factors That Influence Communication Paper The Factors That Influence Communication Paper The factors that influence communication as a process range from those that are induced through individuality, by the society, cultures, ethics and others that work together. For instance, an individuals surrounding and those they relate with shapes their way of communication. A great example suffices in the manner of a lady who is seeking to further her education in a tertiary institution, say Betty. Her parent, a businessperson, experiences life from a different environment, hence is likely to miss out on Bettys experience. This greatly influences how they communicate with each other. Secondly, the society sets standards by which most people operate. These are like guidelines that shape how people communicate with each other. A person from a community like the minorities more often than not has a set of beliefs that keep them communicating in a certain way. As such, cultural factors set a context within which people in the said culture communicate. For instance, it is expected that the communities with the father as the head of the family eave a more conservative way of communicating, while more liberal communities accept independent views (Mayans et. Al. , 2012). In conclusion, the cultures as influenced by a society, individuality, ethical amongst many other factors usually influence how people communicate. While individual factors like personality shape how one communicates, societal expectations may also serve to model how they do so. In spite of all this, the most universal factor among them all is ethics since it applies to a eider range of communities without consideration of the less influencing factors. For instance, at school, it is expected that all students communicate in a certain way without much influence from their communities and even families.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Canadian Remembrance Day Quotes
Canadian Remembrance Day Quotes In 1915, Canadian soldier John McCrae wrote a poem called In Flanders Fields. McCrae had served in the Second Battle of Ypres in Flanders, Belgium. He wrote In Flanders Fields after a friend died in battle and was buried with a simple wooden cross as a marker. The poem describes similar graves on the fields of Flanders, fields that were once alive with red poppies but were now filled with the bodies of dead soldiers. The poem also highlights one of the ironies of war- that soldiers must die so that a nation of people may live. As is the case with most of the British Commonwealth countries, Remembrance Day in Canada is celebrated on November 11. To mark the occasion, Canadians observe a minute of silence and visit memorials to honor the soldiers who died for their country. The poppy symbolizes Remembrance Day, and some people wear the flower as a sign of respect. At the National War Memorial, a ceremony is held to honor the soldiers. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is also an important landmark where people show their respect. Canada has always been known for its peaceful people, vibrant culture, and beautiful countryside. But even more than that, Canada is known for its patriotism. On Remembrance Day, salute those patriotic men and women who have served their nation by reading some of the quotes below. John McCrae In Flanders Fields, the poppies blowBetween the crosses, row on row,That mark our place; and in the skyThe larks, still bravely singing, flyScarce heard amid the guns below. Jose Narosky In war, there are no unwounded soldiers. Aaron Kilbourn The dead soldiers silence sings our national anthem. Thomas Dunn English But the freedom that they fought for, and the country grand they wrought for, is their monument today, and for aye. Joseph Drake And they who for their country die shall fill an honored grave, for glory lights the soldiers tomb, and beauty weeps the brave. Agnes Macphail Patriotism is not dying for ones country, it is living for ones country. And for humanity. Perhaps that is not as romantic, but its better. John Diefenbaker I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind. Pierre Trudeau Our hopes are high. Our faith in the people is great. Our courage is strong. And our dreams for this beautiful country will never die. Lester Pearson Whether we live together in confidence and cohesion; with more faith and pride in ourselves and less self-doubt and hesitation; strong in the conviction that the destiny of Canada is to unite, not divide; sharing in cooperation, not in separation or in conflict; respecting our past and welcoming our future. Paul Kopas Canadian nationalism is a subtle, easily misunderstood but powerful reality, expressed in a way that is not state-directed- something like a beer commercial or the death of a significant Canadian figure. Adrienne Clarkson We only need to look at what we are really doing in the world and at home and well know what it is to be Canadian.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Engreeing desing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Engreeing desing - Essay Example Safe escape route are provided in all points of a building and directs people to a safe place without any assistance from the fire fighting team or from the people outside. The most important reason for performing fire test is to determine whether or not the fire suppression system meets the minimum requirement as set by different building codes and legislation. Tests are done by companies holding international accreditation and certification It is important to perform more than one experiment to actually proof that the installed product will not fail in times of fire. Conducting of one experiment may give conflicting results that may indicate that the product is ok but another test may reveal the fire fighting product will not work. This is the process by which the fire rapidly spreads or climbs up an inclined surface. The trench effects are caused by the flash over concept and the Coanda effect. The flash over effects is a condition that occurs when a fire spreads on a surface rapidly due to the surface emitting flammable gases hot enough to ignite themselves. The Coanda effect is the tendency of fast moving stream of air to deflect towards the surface nearby it. This is because the fast moving streams of air tend to experience a decrease in static pressure that creates a pressure difference between the areas far from the wall as well as the wall itself The flammability limit gives the proportion of combustible gases in a mixture between which the mixture is flammable. The flammability limit is also referred to as the explosive limit. There are two extremes defined by the lower flammable limit and the upper flammable limit. The highest flammable limit: this limit describes the richest flammable mixture. Adjustment is done to the flammable gases mixture to either increase the lowest flammable mixture or reduce the highest flammable mixture. Inert gas are used for flammability
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Its a Flat World, After All by Thomas Friedman Essay
Its a Flat World, After All by Thomas Friedman - Essay Example Friedman discusses the different flatteners of the world which have created a level playing field for all countries. These flatteners include the collapse of the Berlin Wall, Netscape, Workflow software, uploading, outsourcing, offshoring, supply chaining, insourcing, informing, and steroids. In reviewing these flatteners, it is important to understand the context upon which the word flattened or flat is used. Friedman uses the term flat in terms of the level of competence which all countries have in terms of access to information and technology, including economic growth and development. Such information is used in various activities including business, governance, education, and sports. Based on Friedman’s arguments, he concludes that the world is flat because the access to information, technology, and the potential for economic growth is no longer the exclusive province of the developed states (Bijker, 1995). Instead, the economic, political, and social landscape has levele d out and this process has started unfolding ever since the fall of the Berlin Wall, becoming even more apparent starting in the year 2000 onwards. Undeniably, the use of technology and the spread and the access of information have become very much apparent in the current setting. The information represents an â€Å"assemblage of data†(Headrick, 2000, p. ... The information and technology are no longer exclusive or delayed in transmission. For a long, while geographical barriers between countries implied that different nations had different rates of growth; however, geographical barriers have become less of an issue through internet capability (Suchman, 2007). In relation to internet access therefore, Friedman provides strong support for the world being flat and less hierarchical. Since information is no longer exclusive to specific individuals or countries, the possibility of creating technology and innovations from such information is no longer also an exclusive right and privilege of specific countries (Wolf, 2008). This indicates that there are also innovators which can gain access to the same information from any part of the globe and then transform such information to innovations. For a long while, the US and other western nations were the global leaders in technology and innovation (Beniger, 1986). From such technology and innovat ions, they were able to make major advancements in labor-saving technology which increased productivity and made the work hours more efficient. With â€Å"falling communication costs and the broader spectrum of activities that can be coordinated through current forms of computer-mediated interaction,†more economic links were soon established (Kallinikos, 2010, p. 93). From such technology and innovations, the rest of the world looked to the west for dole-outs of these technologies. The adaptation of these technologies was carried out in order for the countries to keep up with western technologies.Â
Saturday, January 25, 2020
The Essence Of Blues Music
The Essence Of Blues Music Blues music at its inception is the music of the downtrodden and poor. Having its roots in the plantations of the South, blues music gave expression to the trials and sufferings of African-Americans who had suffered slavery, injustice, and poverty. According to Scaruffi (2003), Music remained the main vehicle to vent the frustration of a people, but the end of slavery introduced the individual: instead of being defined by a group (the faithful or the workers), the black singer was now free to and capable of defining himself as an individual. His words and mood still echoed the condition of an entire people, but solo singers represented a new take on that condition, the view of a man finally enabled to travel, and no longer a prisoner of his community, although, sometimes, more lonely. The songs of a negro were the diary of his life (road, train, prison, saloon, sex), often an itinerant life, as opposed to the diary of a community (plantation, church) (1) The blues is a song of lamentation of self pity. The songs often deal with themes that deal with an individuals pain and are often told in a tongue-in-cheek manner. It is a highly personalized account of what an individual is going through, and is reflective of the harsh realities of life of the American Negro faces in the deep South. Oftentimes the lyrics of blues deal with unhappy situations brought about by being jobless, poor, lonely, hungry, or being betrayed and deserted by an unfaithful lover. The whole essence of blues music was pain, but while the songs seems to be a paean to an individuals plight it does not wallow in tragedy but rather it celebrates it and recognizes the inevitability of the situation. And in the song Folsom Prison Blues Johnny Cash has managed to capture all of these elements and succeeds in telling a story about a prison in-mate who landed in prison because he killed a man so that he could see how he would die. (2) There are two physical elements in the song that is consistent to the tradition of blues music. The first is the prison and the other is the train. These two elements can be seen as metaphors for two themes that were important to the downtrodden and dispossessed negro the reality of being a slave, both literal and figurative, and on the other hand the longing for freedom and redemption which due to his place in society he can never have. For the prison in-mate in the song his prison cell is a reality he cant escape from. It is a reality brought about by his own actions and to some extent it is a reality that he accepts and concedes to. While the train that he sees from his prison cell represents all the things in life that he would want to have but can never have due to his social status in life. In fact the train with all its rich folks is actually taunting him making him feel bitter about his situation. Scaruffi makes mention of this stating that, Theoretically, the civil war that ended in 1863 freed the African slaves (slavery was officially abolished in 1865), and, in fact, the first collection of negro songs was published shortly afterwards, Slave Songs of the United States (1867). In practice, it did little to improve the condition of the black man: same job, same discrimination. Even for the blacks who left the Southern states, the cities of the North promised freedom, but mostly delivered a different kind of slavery(1) This discrimination and the inability of African-Americans to escape the imposed state of things can be clearly reflected on Johnny Cashs song albeit with a prisoner taking the place of the black man with the train representing white society. The social condition that has spawned blues music is still in existence today in the black ghettoes of America and is seen in the implied racism that most of the poor working class African-Americans are still suffering from. It is for this reason that blues music and the themes that it deals with are still relevant today as it was then. But like any form of popular culture that gets assimilated in the mainstream blues music today has lost its socio-political power and is now viewed more of a musical genre and is celebrated more for its contributions to the world of music. Today most people with equate blues music with such bands as the Rolling Stones and other white musicians who were influenced by such blues legends such as Muddy Waters and BB King. But if you define blues broadly as the music of the downtrodden and the dispossessed then one can say that the blues music has influenced every form of music that has embraced the themes and issues that blues musicians sang about. During the 1950s blues music gave birth to rock and roll a musical style that took blues guitar chords and riffs and brought about a whole new form of expression that went against conservative values. Blues themes also found expression in the late 80s in the musical rebellion called punk music. Like the blues punk music was born out of the suffering and despair of a marginalized social stratum this time instead of black plantation workers you have the disillusioned working class youth singing about their plight. Rap music can also be seen as the direct descendant of blues music. Like the blues, rap music is a vocal expression of the African-American youth of today to illustrate the problems that he is facing in a society that has constantly denied him redemption and has marginalized him. According to Parker (1999), For todays Black youth, rap music is this medium. It is a musical voice and expression of the unjust and violent society in which they live. Is rap music a trend that has never been witnessed in America before? No, rap music is a continuing line of Negro expressions including; Spirituals, Blues, and Soul, all of which were inspired in trying times in our society, even more so than that of today(3). While blues music can never be separated from and will always be integral to African-American history and struggles, the themes the blues sang about has a universal appeal which speaks directly to all of those who has had to endure a life of struggle against social inequality, personal trials, and injustices. The challenge of an individual to rise above his social conditions and the limitations that society has imposed upon him is a situation that anyone can understand, empathize and relate to. Psychologically the blues is an outlet for the frustrations that a Black man has to face in American society. A blues musician Tampa Red sang a song called Depression Blues. The song lyrics tell of how if only he could tell all his troubles then his heart would be at ease. This shows that for blues musicians the blues is a cathartic activity which helps them deal with the troubles they are facing. Singing and music has been shown to influence the mood of people. An organization called the American Music Therapy Association even claims music helps individuals with mental health conditions to address depression by making them conscious about their feelings and be more in touch with their emotions and moods (4.). It is therefore clear that singing the blues does help us deal with personal issues by bringing out this issues out in the open in the form of song and music. It gives find us a safe form of expression wherein we could channel emotions and emotional release.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Belarus’ Economy
Belarus†s economy has done fairly well from the situation it started in. The economy has some strengths, but it is also not without its weaknesses. Also the Republic has not done yet enough to restructure its economy after the break up of the USSR. Belarus has a fairly well balanced economy with an agriculture capable of feeding its population and a well developed industrial base. Belarusian industry is capable of producing 1. 1 million tons of steel per year, and it manufactures machine tools, agricultural machinery, motor vehicles. It also has a well developed chemical manufacturing plants, and there is also a branch of industry for consumer goods such as radio, television sets and bicycles. Furthermore its industrial construction complex ensures a considerable scope of construction. The Republic also has a diversified agricultural crop ranging from potatoes and grain to flax and livestock. The agricultural sector accounts for 20% of the GDP while the industrial around 43%. Besides helping to develop the industry, Russia helped to develop the infrastructure of Belarus making most of the country accessible. Belarus has a reasonably well developed industry and a long history of agricultural development. Problems for the economy of Belarus began to arise after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The weakness with Belarusian industry is two-fold. It has to import much of its raw materials from other nations and it imports most of its energy. As a result industry came under severe economic pressure shortly after independence. The problem with its agriculture is that it that about two thirds of the peasants are still organized into collective farms and the remainder in state farms. A few private farms were established but the treatment they received from the state discouraged other from trying. Also Belarus has a 14% trade deficit, which increase the vulnerability of the economy. Another drag on the economy is the continuing cost associated with the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster, estimated in 1995 at a quarter of the national economy. The southern part of Belarus was severely hit by the nuclear fallout and many of the estimated 2 million victims live in Belarus. The Belarusian economy has room for improvement, however if put in the right circumstances it could thrive. After the dissolution of the USSR the national economy of Belarus was being restructured to introduce science intensive and low power consuming industries. However, Belarus has seen little reform since 1995 when president Lukaschenko launched the country on a path of â€Å"market socialism. †Privatization of enterprises controlled by the central government virtually ceased in 1996. Only about 10% of all enterprises under central government control had been privatized. In addition, Lukaschenko has re-imposed administrative control over prices and the national currency's exchange rate, and expanded the state's right to intervene arbitrarily in the management of private enterprise. Lack of structural reform, and a climate hostile to business, have inhibited foreign investment in Belarus in 1995-97. Belarus†s economy consisted mainly of secondary industry, dependent on Russia and other Soviet republics for both raw materials and markets. The second problem is that it inherited a weak political leadership at independence that never managed to even begin economic reform. To make the conditions favorable for investments Belarus is taking steps for creating an adequate base of legal standards for foreign investment security, liberalization of taxation order and customs regulations, granting cost benefits to investors and providing various information and business services. The economy of Belarus has great potential. Its strengths can be strengthened and its weaknesses can be improved. Having a strong trading partner would put Belarus in a position to over come the crisis in its economy.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Explain the Contribution to the Development and Expression...
The contribution of Pope John XXIII has been profound, as many of his initiatives and actions are still resonating today. His acceptance of Jesus’ words â€Å"I came to save all nations.†Represented his motivation to do well and bring peace upon the world. He was an advocate of Christian unity, social justice, human rights and the promotion of world peace. It is through his development of the Second Vatican Council, his contribution to ecumenism and his empathy for humanity that Pope John XXIII made a significant impact upon the development and expression of Christianity. The essence of the contribution made by Pope John XXIII was his calling together of the Second Vatican Council that aimed to address modernisation of the Catholic Church,†¦show more content†¦The roles of people in the church were redefined, as the Pope established himself clearly as a man of action, and not unreachable ‘God like’ figure. He did not submit to his power and instead worked together and worked for the people to make worshipping Christ more meaningful. The sacraments were developed to involve the congregation and improve the expression of Christian beliefs as the church was modernized and clericalism was removed. Pope John made a strong contribution to ecumenism. In his pursuit of ecumenism john embraced a church that was united in diversity. This was the movement to better relationships between Catholics and non-Catholics, Eastern and Western Orthodox churches as well as between different religious faiths and Christianity, â€Å"I am Joseph, your brother†. In dialogue between Eastern and Western Orthodox churches, there are now many positive relationships maintained between varying denominations throughout the Christian faith; creating a more supportive and secure atmosphere for Christian adherents. Pre-Vatican II Catholics were barred from reading works written by Protestant Reformers, other Christian denominations were schismatic and it was a sin to go to a non-Catholic service. The changes to the development and expression of Christian beliefs through Vatican II were there was freedom of inquiry, joint prayer services, common edition of the Bibles and heightened respect and dignity for others. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
HU4640 Project Part1 - 1650 Words
Project Part 1 An Introduction to Ethical Theories ITT Technical Institute, Hanover MD Mathew Leetch HU4640 Ethics July 22, 2015 An Introduction to Ethical Theories Abstract This paper is going to discuss Ethics and Ethical Theories. It will include an introduction to ethical theories, virtue ethics, and care ethics. There will be sections discussing absolutism versus relativism, consequentialism versus deontological ethics, and lastly, free will versus determinism. It will also include a discussion about the study of morality and identify which of the approaches (Scientific, Philosophical, or Theological/Religious) are closest to my own personal beliefs. There will be a discussion regarding the three sources of ethics†¦show more content†¦Utilitarianism considers the pleasure and pain of every individual affected by an action. It also considers everyone to be equal and does not permit an individual to put their interests or relationships first. After this it attempts to provide an objective, quantitative method for making moral decisions. Utilitarianism is not able to assign quantitative measures to all pleasures and pains, and does not address the issue of some pleasures and pains that cannot or should not be measured-such as human life or human suffering. There are four types of egoism (ETHICAL EGOISM). The first is Psychological egoism and it is the view that humans are always motivated by self-interest. An example of this is †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. The second is Ethical egoism. This is when you should do something that is in your own self-interest. An example of this is performing a task for someone because you are getting paid to do it. Third is Individual ethical egoism. It states that everyone should act in their own best self-interest. An example of this is a policeman. He/she believes that they should do what is in their best interest just because of their role in society. Finally there is Universal ethical egoism. It states that everyone should always act in their own best self-interest, regardless of the interests of others, unless their interests
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