Saturday, November 30, 2019
Roles and Skills of an Event Organiser free essay sample
The required skills of an event organiser are such as the following: * Communication and Interpersonal skills * Time management * Problem solving * Negotiating * Planning * Monitoring * Evaluating * Resource management Communication and Interpersonal skills Communication and interpersonal skills play a big role when organising an event because communicating with others will come across quite a few times such as agreeing on the size of the venue, queries from the attendees or even when deciding on the number of people to cater for. Organising a large even can be quite challenging and using interpersonal skills can have a huge influence on how successful the event will be. For example, asking listening to what others are telling you will be an effective interpersonal skill to use because other people recognise mistakes before you and they can give you new ideas and can give advices on the areas you need improvement on. Time Management A role of an event organiser is to carry out a number of tasks at the same time which requires good time management. We will write a custom essay sample on Roles and Skills of an Event Organiser or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Good time management is when you keep everything on track. When planning an event we can come across with time management mistakes which are such as the following: * Wasting time doing activities which are irrelevant * Waiting for someone to complete a task before moving on to the next one * Not being organised Problem Solving During an event the event organiser can face problems but skilled event organisers would have thought about the problems they could face and will have a back-up plan which is called contingency plans. For example if you want to show a presentation during the event you will have to first check the services already provided at the venue and take the equipment required which isn’t provided there with you on the day. Negotiating Negotiating skills are essential in event organising. It is not a skill to threaten the person you are taking to but it is a skill where at the end both sides are happy about the decision made and that they both agree. Usually event organiser’s negotiate about a price of something but you have negotiate with the catering team as well on how many courses will be served during the event. For example if you are renting a hall for the event and the property owner asks for ? 1,500 then you can negotiate the price and reduce it to an amount where both sides are happy and have agreed on it. Planning Another skill the event organiser has to have is being able to plan out the event. The event organiser has to make sure that everything goes to his or her plan. Planning doesn’t just focus on the event itself but it also has to include other events or other factors. If there are a few events going on at the same time at yours then it will cause poor attendance. A factor that the event organiser has to watch and plan the event based on the weather. For example if you are planning to hold the event outside then you has to check the weather forecast and also has to have equipment ready if it rains all of a sudden. When planning for a event the event organisers has to consider the following: * Whether the event needs to be inside or outside * Whether the event is linked to a festival or tradition * Whether the event depends on other factors Monitoring An event organiser should continually keep track of how the event is progressing. They should check and even if possible double check that everything is controlled and up to date. Monitoring involves checking many things such as the following: * Bookings * Deliveries * Advertising and publicity * Staffing * Security A good event organiser will be able to monitor many things at the same time to ensure that all parts are linked and that they come together at some point. Evaluating A very skilled event organiser can recognise not only the good things of their event but can also see those things that went wrong or didn’t come out as expected. In order to become a successful event organiser the organiser should be able to make fair judgements about the event and make improvements for the next time. The organiser should be objective about their judgements they should see the mistakes with his or her mind not with his or her feelings. Resource Management Resources include any physical items, expenses or other costs. This can be building, ICT equipment the catering or even a special feature or entertainment or display that is brought in for the event. Some equipment can be expensive so a good event organiser with good resource management skills would be able to make most of their resource. P2: Explain the role of an event organiser. In order to carry out his or her roles properly an event organiser must be aware of his or her roles before starting anything. If they don’t know their role then everything will be unorganised and the event will end up in a disaster. Here are the roles of an event organiser: * Organising * Programme * Documents * Procedures * Legal requirements * Limits of role Organising When you start organising an event the first thing you have to do is find and book a venue which is suitable for your event and also it is important to identify the cost. You then need to organise a catering which is suitable to your venue because you cannot serve sandwiches in a hotel and you cannot provide three courses in a park. Plan the timing, orders and when you need to them to be delivered. You will also buy or reserve facilities such as sound system or a projector if you are hoping to use it. Programme A programme is a list of activities or what will be happening during the event. It helps the guests/attendees know what will happen it basically guides the guest to how the event is structured out. It is a outline of what will happened and gives details of special guests, speeches, entertainment, prize-giving, free gifts and etc. The length of time for the event will influence the programme, for example if it’s a whole day event the programme will guide guests on when to have lunch or dinner. Documents Most events need some form of hard copy of soft copy (which is a version of a document such as PDF) given out. Documents which are essential are such as the following: * Background to the event The agenda or schedule * Event papers * Information about travel arrangements * Information about accommodation * Information about additional arrangements There are some which are not given to attendees, those are used by organisers to follow the progress of the event, and for example the budget plan isn’t given out to guests. Procedures When organising an ev ent there are sets of procedures which event organisers have to follow. You need to follow the procedures or you will face serious problems if something goes wrong. Procedures usually depend on the size of he organisation, the type of event, the place and the people who are involved. Legal Requirements There are legal requirements that need to be considered when organising an event such as the health and safety and age requirements. For example, if the event is 16+ the event organisers have to find a venue which will allow teenagers aged 14 and they have to make sure that the 14 year olds doesn’t get served alcohol by a stamp or something. Most importantly the event organiser should be aware of the emergency procedures. For example if a fire is set of the event organiser should know the meeting point and the equipment needed. They must have a risk assessment draw attention to any issues found when organising and prevent something dangerous to occur. The legal requirements are usually covered by a contractual agreement. The contract has sets of elements which need to be included in the event, such as the following: * Venue * Catering * Insurance * Advertising or promotion Limits of Role The event organiser should be aware of what they can and cannot do. They should know the level of authority they have for example in some events the event organiser cannot sign a contract because they might not have enough authority for final decision.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Labor Unions Essays - Labour Relations, Free Essays, Term Papers
Labor Unions Essays - Labour Relations, Free Essays, Term Papers Labor Unions Labor Unions What do you think of when you hear the phrase labor unions? Most people associate a negative connotation with labor unions. They think that labor unions are the only cause of strikes and work stoppages. Most think that people in unions are greedy and will do anything to get more money. Others swear by their unions, saying that their employers would take advantage of them if they didnt organize their unions. However as we prepare to enter the new millennium, labor unions are decreasing in size. Lets look at some of reasons. First, the numbers are unmistakable. At the end of 1997, when the most recent count was made, only 14.1% of workers belonged to unions, the lowest percentage since 1936 (Gross 23). This is a dramatic decrease from when unions were at their height at the end of World War II when 35.3% of Americans were in unions (Galenson 13). One cause of this fall of union membership is the decline of manufacturing in America and the transfer of much manufacturing work over seas (Gross 24). Because of advances in technology and labor saving innovations, fewer people are required to make steel and assembler automobiles. As a result, only 16.1% of U.S. workers now work in factories, down from 22.8% twenty years ago (Aronwitz 2). There has also been a decrease in size of the large corporations, which in the past usually signed industry-wide contracts to produce a particular item. The latest figures show that the 800 largest firms employed 17% of the total workforce, down from 25.7% twenty years ago (Aronwitz 3). Many of these companies have their work done abroad. Nike does not make a single shoe in the United States and many insurance companies are having paperwork processed over seas (Hacker 45). At home corporate jobs are frequently assigned to temporary workers, who are often classified as independent contractors and are not very likely to join unions. Indeed, there are fewer long-term jobs, something union seniority could once guarantee. Last year, among men aged forty to forty-five, only 39.1% had worked ten or more years at their current job, compared with 51.1 percent in 1983 (Galenson 27). So, one might ask, what caused this to happen? At some point in the 1980s, the balance of power shifted against labor unions. Some say the defining moment was in 1981, when then-U.S. president Ronald Reagan forced an end to the bitter air traffic controllers' strike. Others point to the 1985 victory of then-British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher over striking coal miners (Gross 239). Whatever the reason, unions are trying to make a comeback. There are several strategies that unions have devised to return to their former glory. Unions have adopted a more lenient attitude towards management, reducing the number of strikes to record lows in the 1980s and early 90s, and attempting to negotiate contracts providing job security for members (Gross 278). Unions have also placed greater emphasis on organizing drives for new members. Although unions have been very successful in organizing government employees, they have been less successful with recruiting office workers in the rapidly expanding services sector. However, during the last two decades, the wage advantage for unionized workers with private jobs has fallen by 44.1 percent, although the public sector has increased by 9.5 percent (Maguire 20). Currently, 41.9% of union members are from the public sector. Among the most strongly unionized occupations are firefighters (71.6%), flight attendants (69.4%), and high school teachers (56.1%). Only 28.6 percent of coal miners belong to unions and only 19.5% of truck drivers (Hacker 47). Despite all of the downsides of unions they do have their benefits. Here are a few examples of salaries secured through collective bargaining by highly trained professionals: Pilots with only fifteen years of service at Northwest, American, United, and US Airways now earn on average over $175,000 a year. Professors at New York City University can now get as much as $101,655 for twenty-eight weeks of teaching. Under the current National Basketball Association contract, first year playerssome of them right out of high schoolwill start at $300,000 (Hacker 48). The recent NBA lockout has shaped many peoples opinions on labor unions. Most people, myself included, thought that it was
Friday, November 22, 2019
#$2 Essays - Financial Statements, Free Essays
TITLE:Financial Accounting ICOURSE: AC 101 CREDITS:3PREREQUISITE: MA 010B or MA - 010PRE or COREQUISITE: BU 101 TEXTBOOK: Accounting Principles 12th Edition, Volume 1 Weygandt, Kimmel, Kieso SUGGESTED REFERENCE SOURCE:AC 101 LibGuide INSTRUCTOR:Name: Joe Aguero CPA E-mail: [emailprotected] No.: (732) 417-0800 ext 22121 Instructor Availability: Upon request Course Description: This course is an introduction to the basic principles of financial accounting including the accounting cycle, recording and posting transactions, adjusting and closing entries, financial statements, asset valuation, and depreciation. Course Outcomes/Objectives: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: Understand and implement the Accounting Cycle including the ability to: (a) Analyze and journalize transactions, (b) Post to ledger accounts, (c) Prepare a trial balance (d) Journalize and post adjusting entries, (e) Prepare an adjusted trial balance, (f) Prepare financial statements, (g) Journalize and post closing entries, (h) Prepare a post closing trial balance. Prepare a Bank Reconciliation and understand the concept of internal and cash controls to safeguard assets and enhance the accuracy and reliability of accounting records. Account for merchandise inventory and calculate the cost of inventory on hand at the Balance Sheet date and the cost of goods sold. Account for bad debt. Calculate and understand the reasoning for the different methods of depreciation. Understand the concepts related to payroll accounting Student Evaluation Criteria: Student assessment for achieving the above objectives will be as follows: Quizzes / Tests45 % (See Notes 1 1 Cumulative Final Exam35 % H.W. 5% Attendance5% Student Project10 % (See Note 3 below) This project is comprehensive and covers the entire accounting cycle, as described in Learning Outcome #1 above. Notes to Student Evaluation Criteria: No makeup exams are given. In addition to no makeups, there will be no dropping of the lowest grade, no extra credit and no curving of test grades. The student project will be announced after the completion of Chapter 4 and must be handed in by the assigned due date which will appear on the instructions for the project. The student will be given a reasonable amount of time to complete the project (usually 2 weeks). Any student not in attendance when the project is handed out will NOT receive additional time beyond the original due date. Any student project handed in late will have one (1) out of ten (10) points deducted for each late day, or portion thereof, including weekends and holidays, before the project is graded. For example, a student hands in the project 3 days late. In this case, the maximum grade the student can receive for the project is seven (7), assuming the project is perfect. If the project is assigned a grade of 50%, then the student will receive 3.5 out of 10 points toward the final grade (50% of 7). The entire project must be typewritten. Any project not type written or partially typewritten will receive an a utomatic grade of zero. You are expected to be present at the beginning of the class period and remain in the classroom for its duration. Lateness, walking in and out of the classroom during a class session for whatever reason, absences, cell phones ringing, and any other class disruptions will not help your final grade. You are expected to bring paper, pencil and a calculator to class. None will be provided. Eating food in the classroom is forbidden. Children are not permitted in the classroom at any time. Shut off electronic devices such as cell phones, laptops, etc., during class. NOTIFICATION FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: If you have a disability, and believe you need accommodations in this class, please contactHYPERLINK ""Disability Servicesstaffat 973-684-6395, or emailHYPERLINK "mailto:[emailprotected]"[emailprotected], to make an appointment.You should do so as soon as possible at the start of each semester.If you require testing accommodations, you must remind me (the instructor) one week in advance of each test. More information @HYPERLINK "" t "_blank" Course Contents: ChapterTopic 1Accounting in Action (Discussion) 2The Recording Process 3Adjusting the Accounts 4Completion of the Accounting Cycle 5Accounting for Merchandising Operations 6Inventories 8Internal Control and Cash 9Accounting for Receivables 10Plant Assets, Natural Resources, and Intangible Assets 11Current Liabilities and Payroll Accounting Grading System: A=100 93 A-= 92 89 B+= 88 86 B= 85 83 B-= 82 79 C+= 78 76 C= 75 70 D= 69 60 F=Below 60 Homework Assignment Textbook Chapter Exercises Problems: SET A1 E1-5, E1-7, E1-11, E1-14 P1-3A, P1- 4A 2 E2-2, E2-9, E2-10, E2-14 P2-1A, P2-2A 3 E3-6, E3-7,
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
A firm analyzed by principles of microeconomics Research Paper
A firm analyzed by principles of microeconomics - Research Paper Example ixed and variable), the potential for technology to change cost, market failure , the government role on externalities and the existing government policies in connection to microeconomic theory. The Market Structure, Market Power, the Cost of Structure and Competition Wal-Mart Stores Inc. has an oligopoly market structure unlike other retailers all over the world that have monopolistic market structure. Nevertheless, the research shows that Wal-Mart Stores also has a monopolistic competition market structure due to the fact that the number of retailers that they have to deal with is too high. It was first opened by Sam Walton in the year 1962 as a discount store. Being the largest chain store in the US, its success has been as a result of the ability of Sam Walton to establish a basic structure meant for their private business ecosystem thus changing the market structure over time. The business has 40-50 departments and the Store Manager is the top store position. Each store has many Assistance Managers who are also the first to be paid salaries in the organization (Bianco 63). Wal-Mart Stores is also divided in to 41 regions managed by regional Vice President, 6 of them being Sam’s Club regions. Walton had a reasonable conclusion, the conclusion was that by offering many brands that are well known and selling the products at a lower price of about 15% as compared to other retailers, the business would be more powerful in the area of retailing. Wal-Mart made a wise decision of establishing more of its branches on the rural areas and in small towns instead of settling their business only in the large cities. This was mainly done to attract people from the suburbs where there was a lot of money unlike other large scale retailers who only concentrated in large towns. The new system worked well for them since they were able to attract many people from the towns to their premises. In not more than three decades since the business was established, it had made a big step forward because it rose from a single and small discount store to become the largest retailer shop in the whole country of US (Bianco 63). Currently, Wal-Mart Stores runs the largest retailer shops in the whole world with over 2500 branches in US alone. One of the principles of microeconomics states that â€Å"Rational people think at the margin†. According to the economists, people who are rational usually do their best to achieve their goals and objectives when they have the opportunity. Sam Walton borrowed this idea when he made a decision of lowering the price of the products sold by Wal-Mart Store so as to reach a wider market and serve many customers (Lichtenstein 98). Nature of the Demand, the Shape of Demand Curve and Consumer Setting Demand is the total amount of goods and services that a given consumer is able and willing to buy in a certain period of time at various prices. The demand curve is the price-quantity relationship that is normally represented on a graph, the price being on the Y axis while quantity on the X axis. In terms of supply and demand curve, the demand for the goods provided by the Wal-Matt increases as the economy weakens. This is because the consumers continue to demand for goods that are cheap as the currency value weakens
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 4
Innovation - Essay Example However, it is one thing to require a certain technology and another to implement it in an organisation. Introduction of new technologies is quite challenging for managers irrespective of the size of an organisation. New technologies require the management to arrange for extensive training, which results in resistance from some quarters. As a manager one will be required to first understand how to manage change since the process is stressful and, most often than not, change creates tension in the workplace (Rogers, 2003). This paper aims at using technological determinism to inform a manager when introducing surveillance technology in the workplace. Attitude is a critical aspect in the introduction of any kind of technology in the workplace. Employers nowadays are heavily relying on workplace surveillance technologies to assess various issues. Surveillance in this context will include, but not limited to, video monitoring, tracking as well as phone and computer use. Introduction of any technology in the workplace results into some form of transition. It is, therefore, critical for a manager to consult employees through one-on-one interactions or a survey depending on the size of the organisation. Consultations aim at pinpointing problematic areas and concerns which ultimately eases transition to the new technology. In the process of consultations, it is essential for the management to clearly elaborate on the positive differences that the new technology will bring not only to the employees but also the organisation at large (Bijker and Law, 1995). It is, nevertheless, vital to consider the human factor before launching of this surveillance technology. The society, and in this case the employees, will always have certain expectations from this new technology. Employees have previously worked without this new technology and hence need assurances
Saturday, November 16, 2019
To what extent is Essay Example for Free
To what extent is Essay We can see this in the novel with Frankensteins professor, he died because ordinary people had very little knowledge of medical that could be provided and what good it would do them, and when trying to give someone a injection to benefit there health, he unfortunately didnt see it like that and stabbed the professor, who died as direct result. The monster we can see is remote and friendless because he is so detestable, ugly and abhorrent, people attack him when they see him, and his only friends didnt know that he existed, till they too saw him and attacked him. He explains this to Frankenstein when they meat, solitude was my only consolation-deep dark, deathlike solitude Using alliteration to stress the solitude. The third main character that we see is again lonely because she is left behind for years at a time when Frankenstein if off creating his monsters. We feel great sympathy for Elizabeth, who is portrayed as pure, aerial and racial beautiful. Her hair was the brightest living gold her face so expressive of sensibility and sweetness This is where we first hear of Elizabeth, where she stands out from all the other children because she is so innocent and pure. writes in a feminist slant when Elizabeth is concerned, this could be influence from her mother Mary Woolstonecraft who was a feminist. As in most gothic genres writings there is a twist, when Frankenstein meats with the monster, the reader expects the monster to be vicious and violent, with Frankenstein composed and collected, however the opposite is true. Be gone vile insect! Or rather, stay, that I may trample you to dust is said by Frankenstein when enraged, but the monster is not shocked by this and stays calm and answers with great intelligence, to the extent that the monster even tries to calm Frankenstein Be calm! I entreat you to hear me before you give vent to your hatred on my devoted head Here we see a total character switch and not something the reader would expect. Leading on from this language also plays a important role as the monster has to learn to read, rite and become intelligent again which is not something you would expect from a typical monster. So communication is important as the monster learns to get across his views to Frankenstein and therefore request a feminine partner. (Needs more) The setting of Frankenstein both starts and ends in the same place, which is typically cold, dark and lonely stretched our in every direction, vast plains of ice which seemed to have no end, this ties in well with the gothic genre as well as the romantic period as there are many descriptions of nature and the setting outside. The weather the reader sees has a large impact on the setting and Pathetic fallacy has a large impact on the weather. Whenever the monster comes to clam a victim the weather mirrors the mood and normally the weather takes the form of a fierce storm Flash of lightning illuminated the object and discovered its shape plainly to me; its gigantic stature, and the deformity of its aspect, more hideous than belongs to humanity, instantly informed me that it was the wretch, the filthy demon to whom had given life. this is yet another trait of the gothic genre. The atmosphere in this novel is typical to a large extent of the gothic genre, suspense is built up all over the book. Most of the chapters in the book are left on cliff-hangers making the reader want to know more. Suspense is also greatly built up around the death of Victors friend, Henry Clerval, the reader knows that someone has died but for some time we dont know who it is. There is also a lot of suspense built up around the fact Frankenstein new there was more suffering to come. I wondered like an evil spirit, for I had committed deeds of mischief beyond description and more much more was yet behind This leaves the reader feeling that you want to know what is the much more that he talks about. I think Mary Shellys novel of Frankenstein is to a great extent typical of the gothic genre, it has a lot of the techniques used by gothic writers and uses a lot of the affects. However the novel is not totally typical of the gothic era because there is no proper good verses evil, the monster is meant to be evil but we as the reader feel far more sympathy for the monster and less to Frankenstein. Frankenstein is the protagonist and main character so we are typically meant sympathise with him, but the novel looses the gothic edge when we start hearing things from the monsters view and so start to feel sorry for him, and roles switch like they did when the monster and Frankenstein met the reader does not really know who to sympathise with towards the end. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Mary Shelley section.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
El Salvador :: essays research papers
I woke up on a Friday morning to catch my plane back to Los Angeles. I was coming back from a 3 week vacation from El Salvador. I was really sick the morning I arose to eat a delicious breakfast. But it wasn’t a fever or a cold. It was more of a confusing and stressful hangover. The night before, I was out doing some ridiculous things that I should have never done. There came times that I wish I would have never been there or did some of the things that I did that night. For this reasons I could never go back to El Salvador until I'm eighteen. On Thursday morning, my uncle Gerber, A.K.A "baby food", woke me up to help him jump start a car. He was going to sell the car, but he needed help to start up the car and send it in for repair. Even though I was on vacation, to my uncle, there is never time for a vacation. I had to help him change two tires and give the car a tune-up. But like most uncles, he rewards our hard work. He took me to a liquor store near by and bought me a big tequila bottle. It was around 12:00 p.m when we came across my uncle's friends. A sixteen year old-girl named Ocity and her uncle Jose. They were around the same age and we took them to our house. Ocity invited her friend over to come visit for a bit. But, what I didn't notice was that my uncle took Ocity upstairs while I kept company to Jose and her friend " La Gorda." As you can see the name says it all. she was 5'9" and weigh in around 250 lbs, or so she said. Jose was not a drinker but La Gorda was. She challenged me to a drinking competition. She got a cup from the kitchen and poured the alcohol in the cup. She filled it half way and told me to take a "shot." I told her "Estas jugando con migo verdad?" She responded "No, asi tomamos el tequila aca en este pais." I was surprised, but I wouldn’t let a girl take me out like that. I took the cup and drank it all. She took a shot. It went on back and forth till it was my turn for like the tenth time.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Dance Styles
Dancing and music in general has evolved through time. People who danced in style in the sixties would not fit in the generation of the new millennium. As years have passed by, it seems the style of dancing is getting to be bigger. It is inevitable that dance will change throughout our lives and so will its style. Some of the dance styles around today are tap, modern, swing, contra, country, belly dance and Latin dancing. Dancing has changed in relation to music, behavior and time passed.My three favorite dance styles are ballet, hip hop and jazz. Ballet is beauty; flow and elegance are inherent in the elements of ballet. Ballet is a classical dance form that can be mastered by it or used as a technical base or supplement to other dance forms. Classes focus on overall body alignment and awareness with emphasis on proper usage of feet and legs and execution of turnout. Carriage and usage of upper torso and arms are also stressed. Traditional barre work, center work and combination's a re included in all classes.Hip hop is a high-energy class that uses the latest sounds in rap, R;amp;B and pop music together with movements influenced by some of today’s hottest music video choreographers. Hip hop encompasses movement that has elements of popping, locking, and breaking as well as freestyle movement to give students the opportunity to develop their own sense of style. Hip hop is urban, it’s street, and it’s diverse and forever changing. Jazz is an exciting and ever evolving dance form full of rhythm, syncopation, passion and life.Steeped in the rhythm of jazz music, a true American art form, jazz dance brings energy and life to all those who dance it. Jazz explores body isolations of the head, shoulders, ribcage, feet and arms which encourage individual expression and the development of personal style. Jazz can be powerful and percussive or expressive and lyrical. Ever evolving, jazz dance is taught with the music of today together with the class ical jazz of yesterday. Classes teach basic jazz dance technique, terminology and movement quality with an emphasis on proper execution of jazz isolation's, rhythms and style performed to contemporary music.Maybe dance is the best language and the one we should use and that is why all cultures have dance. Dance is smoothing and relaxing. When someone needs a break from anything then the best way to get away is to dance. If someone looks they can find millions of dances to dance to. Someone can tap dance, do other cultural dances or maybe just dance with their heart. When you want to dance then dance as though no one is watching and dance because you want to dance.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Choice and Real Life Product Essay
Abstract: In the lab that was conducted, students were supposed to examine the tendencies of fruit flies, specifically Drosophila’s, to move toward or away from important stimuli that aide in their survival, also known as taxis. Another objective for this lab was to identify the patterns and relationships between environmental factors and a living organism. Students are supposed to use two bottles to allow the flies to choose which side they want to go to, depending on what substances they are attracted to more. Fruit flies are not attracted to fruits; rather they are attracted to the rotting fruit. Problem: In this lab, students are studying the behavior of animals, ethology, and the factors that contribute to the way they behave. Do certain environmental factors behave as a stimulus to animals? Hypothesis: If the fruit flies were given choices on which substance they are most attracted to, they there wouldn’t be any preference to any over the other. Materials & Procedures: Material: In this experiment, the we used: tape, 2 water bottles, scissors, 6 different cotton balls, 1 chamber, about 20 fruit flies, water, lime water, banana, vanilla extract, and ammonia. Procedure: Cut the bottom ends off of two water bottles, and tape them together. I labeled each cap with letter â€Å"A†and â€Å"B.†I then inserted the fruit flies in through one end. For each new substance, we dropped a few drops of it onto the cotton balls. We observed the fruit flies for about 5 minutes, undisturbed, and then counted the flies at each end. We repeated these stepped for each new substance being exposed to the flies. Data/Results Table 1. Fruit Fly Choices |Trail 1 |Trail 2 |Trail 3 |Trail 4 | Limewater |Water |Ammonia |Limewater |Vanilla |Banana |Limewater |Banana | |13 |1 |0 |3 |7 |13 |5 |20 | | Questions: 1. Did the flies demonstrate a chemotaxis in relation to any of the substances you chose? Be specific. Chemotaxis is a movement in response to the presence of a chemical stimulus. The flies demonstrated a chemotaxis to the vanilla, lime water, and banana. For each trail, the flies either went one way or the other in response to the substance they preferred. 2. Which substances had the greatest positive and negative chemotactic response? Through the trailing, it is evident that some of the substances had positive and negative responses. In this lab that was conducted, the vanilla extract and banana had the strongest positive responses, while ammonia and water had the most negative responses. Ammonia killed all of the fruit flies that were inside the choice chambers. 3. Describe some possible reason for their preferences? Some possible reasons for their preferences are that they mostly are, however, attracted to fruit. Most of them like the smell of the fruit, and in this case the banana because it rots quickly. 4. What other factors might affect whether or not the fruit flies moved from one part of your choice chamber to another? 5. How can you apply this lab to a real world setting? How might fruit fly preference translate to a real life product? This lab can be applied to the real world setting not only shown through fruit flies, but also with humans. The fruit fly preference can translate to a real life product by, for say in a restaurant they wouldn’t stay where the ketchups or what have it, but it would be near the garbage area devouring over the rotting food. Conclusion: From this experiment, the behaviors of fruit flies were observed and investigated. Through the sampling of different substance in the choice chambers, it was found that the flies found the banana more desirable than the others and moved towards that side more quickly. This proved the hypothesis that was stated was incorrect. Although, we did make an error; in the trail with ammonia, we added a prodigious amount, which therefore led to the mass killing of the fruit flies causing us to use new ones for the other substances.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Law Theories Karl Llewellyn Essays
Law Theories Karl Llewellyn Essays Law Theories Karl Llewellyn Essay Law Theories Karl Llewellyn Essay Under this presumption, Jerome Frank highlighted the psychological aspect of Judicial decision making when pointing out that in alliance with human nature, a Judges decision may be Influenced by such monotonous occurrences as what they ate for breakfast. Karl Lineally agreed that a Judge is able to perpetrate his own personal biases on the outcome off case. Lineally ascertained, when referring to Judge Judge Judge, or arbiter of Justice, is a lead official who presides over a court of law, either alone or as part of a panel of Judges. The powers, functions, method of appointment, discipline, and training of Judges vary widely across different jurisdictions. The judge is like an umpire in a game and S that, [w]hat these officials do about disputes is, to my mind, the law itself[2]. In this assessment, Leniencys realist views can be likened to that of Jerome Frank who challenged the notion of legal decisions as always being certain. Lineally agreed that law is not always a precise science, but did not agree that Judicial decisions are always uncertain[3]. There Is no single right and accurate way of reading one case, or of reading a bunch f cases[4]. In support of the aforementioned statement, as an example, Lineally offers two plausible structural arrangements in the handing down of a Judgment. In the first arrangement, consideration must be made, in that, the case can only maintain authority for that which Is required of the opinion to reach the Judgment. Anything else can be distinguished or unnecessary. In the second arrangement, the court maintains authority of the rule which forms the basis of judgment. In distinguishable cases, however, it may still be applied indirectly by using statements such as We here said Or That case necessarily decided Along with the rest of the Judgment which does not encompass the rule[5]. Karl Leniencys theories on legal realism first outlined in The Bramble Bush, highlighted the importance of determining whether the legal pollens of Judges are Influenced by factors outside that of the law[6]. For ten long anal, Tort ten large-scale reshaping Ana growth AT Cottrell Ana our legal , . He almost unnoticed changes [are] more significant than the institutions historic key cases[7]. It was in Leniencys belief that a lawyer should have the ability wrought training, to be able to put forward a persuasive argument by utilizing the facts of a case rather than placing the emphases on the applicable law. In Leniencys opinion, law is gradually returning to the court tradition of the 18th century as being Precedent guided and principle controlled. This concept is o pposed to that of Owen Dioxins belief which leans towards a more ordered approach[8]. There are no fixed rules of how a principle must be applied in regards to the law. In considering this, it is possible in the same case for a number of Judges to all apply the same Renville and reach a completely different conclusion. Lineally interprets this as not an evasion or departure from the true construction of the principle, but a sound use, application, continuation and development of precedent. In Leniencys opinion, the freedom in the application of law in the courts is not to be construed as twisting precedent, as this concept carries the assumption that there is only one single meaning[9]. He main thing is what officials are going to do. And so to my mind to the main thing is seeing what officials do, do about disputes, or about anything else; and eying that there is a certain regularity in their doing a regularity which makes possible prediction of what they and other officials are about to do tomorrow. In many cases that prediction cannot be wholly certain. Then you ha ve room for something else, another main thing for the lawyer: a study of how to make the official do what you would like to have him. At that point rules do loom into importance. Great importance. For Judges think they must follow the rules, and people highly approve of that thinking[l In considering the aforementioned and the influence it has on Judicial decisions, the approach does not become limited in its authority, but instead, creates a responsibility which rests upon those in other areas of the legal profession such as lawyers. Lawyers no longer act as a foundational support, but act in the interpretation of that authority[11]. The courts manage new decisions with discretion, taking into account the sense of the situation as seen by the court[12]. It is in Leniencys Judgment that the courts are operating for the improvement of the way in which the law is being applied[13]. Leniencys theory takes this into inconsideration while also acknowledging the courts role within a changing community. Lineally came to the conclusion that the variety of ways in which a principle can be applied to a case does not affect the authority of Judicial decisions. It can, h owever, encourage the construction on the facts which point to the method of application more dominantly appropriate in the case. Karl Lineally explains in his book The Common Law Tradition,[14] the context for seeing and discussing the question to be decided is to be set by and in a body of legal doctrine, including its rules as well as TTS concepts, ideals, tendencies and pervading principles. The ideas Lineally put forward were undoubtedly important and innovative, however, they have obtained a degree AT criticism. It NAS Eden argued Tanat Leniencys Ideas Tort ten most part are impractical due to the difficulty in the implementation. The system of Jurisprudence in which Lineally has put forward could possibly require a lawyer in arguing a case adequately, to go to ridiculous lengths. This conclusion has been reached in considering the effort involved in taking into account all of the possible factors affecting the outcome of a case. This is the reason Leniencys realist theories never became the precedent for viewing the law. The law has continued to be viewed as a set of rules which are consequently applied to each separate case[1 5]. It has been conveyed that the process involved in the application of case law, and the consequential possible techniques on hand to carry out such an endeavourer, are infinite. In the process of Judicial decision making, the procedure does not always work in accordance with its desired function. Notably, in consideration of this fact, there are those who can offer an understanding of whether Lineally is in fact erect in asserting that there is no single right and correct way of reading one case, or of reading a bunch of cases[16] and that a courts decision might turn on what the judge had for breakfast[17]. There are those who, in accordance with his suggestion, can add light to the argument. In each of these methodologies, comes a new implication for the role of the Judiciary and also for its scope of authority. Sir Owen Dioxins approach in comparison to Leniencys can be seen as less philosophical and more mechanical and legalistic. The basis of Owen Dioxins viewpoint resides in the assumption that the court acts to facilitate the existence of a definite system of accepted knowledge or thought and that Judgments and other legal writings are evidence of its content[18]. Unlike Leniencys creative or constructionist role, Dixon suggested that: The court and the legal system stand as a necessary foundation of any community. Indeed it may be said that the courts and the system of law are both the foundation and the steel framework, but neither a foundation nor a steel framework is ever able to do more than support a structure with stability and at rest[19]. It was in Dioxins belief that Justice is administered in accordance with the law and not because Justice constructs the law. In Dioxins view, the role of lawyers is to act as a foundation which exists in order to keep the framework steady. It can be inferred from the aforementioned that the court, and consequently the cases which pass through the courts, are already subject to pre-existing laws. There are inherent legal principles that apply to each case and the courts duty is to merely act to uphold these principles[20]. Gerard Brenna sees the situation in a different light and sways away from the revives standpoint of Owen Dioxins strict and complete legalism to acknowledge the changing circumstances which the law faces. Brenna believes that in circumstances where the elicit underlying principles of law are not enough to determine a judgment, the courts need to articulate the principles of the community which give TTY to ten law In quest. In Toweling Graders tannery, ten law, wanly NAS shaped by English Judges and later Australian, only changes in response to a changing community[21]. Eden Under Graders view, the acknowledgement of the inherent principles and their enhancing authority supports the discretion of the Judiciary when faced with new situations. This approach can be seen as an alternative to the idea of strict legalism and also the creative approach as taken by Lineally. Although Karl Lineally has been criticized for his stance on the matter, he has shown that he would agree with the statement that, Judges decide cases however they personally wish to, or however they feel at the time. Lineally has shown skepticism towards the rules by which the courts decided cases[22], and in turn the processes by which Judges are able to make their Judgments.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Soil Erosion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Soil Erosion - Essay Example This happens when the soil is saturated with moisture. The low temperatures of our place are a negative factor because they cause snow which when it melts, it causes runoff that carries the top soil with it (Morgan 34). Soil properties are an important factor in solution erosion. The silt soil of our place is a negative factor for soil erosion because it has large pore spaces between soil particles and these particles are moderately cohesive. This increases the ability of this soil to take in water hence increases it erodibility. Slope is the other important factor affecting soil erosion. The steep slope of our place is a negative factor because it increases soil erosion when it rains and strong winds sweep. Soil erosion is highest at the base of the slope (Morgan 34). I live in a place where there are abundant natural soils. The parts of the region with silt soil are fertile and they have a high agricultural productivity. The parts of the place that have clay soil are rich in nutrients that support high agricultural productivity but crops do not do well in these parts because they are sticky and difficult to cultivate. Sandy places are easy to cultivate and whereas agriculture does well, the crops are not very healthy because sandy soil is not fertile (Morgan 35). Silt soil leads to good water quality and less water runoff because it is well drained. The places that have clay soil have poor water quality and more runoff and some of these places are quite marshy because the soil does not allow good water drainage. The water quality of the parts of our place that have sandy soil is high and there is little water runoff. This is because this soil is well aerated (Morgan 35). Finally, the quality of the soil in our place seems like it will support high agricultural productivity in both the short and long run. The state of the soil quality of our
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Analysing your diet using diet plan 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Analysing your diet using diet plan 6 - Essay Example Other than macronutrients, vitamins have different functions to play in a human body. Vitamins referred to as micronutrients. These include Vitamin C, D, E, B6, B12 etc. Each micronutrient plays respective role in the correct functioning of biological systems. The fact remains that the nutrients, both micro and macro, are absorbed in the body and then transported to the destinations where they are suited for best workability. The absorption of micronutrients takes a number of hours. As soon as the absorption takes place, it can be well noted that these nutrients are transferred into blood vessels. There is always a stored amount of nutrients in human body which would make sure that they are recovered during the days when the amount of nutrient (specific) is less. Also, micronutrients are basically water soluble which means that the transfer of these nutrients to other organs would be helping human body to reduce deficiency in a lesser duration. Method: See Handout Results: Following the stated method, a number of findings were noted regarding the intake of food providing certain rate of energy in the body. The results can be visibly understandable if they are compared with he standardized results of intake i.e. Reference Nutrients Intake (RNI). For instance, by careful dietary analysis, it comes to understanding that energy intake rate must be 2217 Kcal whereas the intake taken by me in a day that compared to the energy standard of RNI was 1271 Kcal. Here, it can be noted that I need to work on this standard as I am having a deficiency of energy. In addition, carbohydrate (g) measure as per the analysis notes to be 336.8 while the intake measurement was 80.8g. This denotes that the amount of carbohydrates being taken by me in a day is lesser than the standard measurement point. Proteins can be considered as the nutrients which I have marked overly different intake measure than the expected one. This is visible from the measurements both standard and my per day consumption (Goestenkors & Day, 2011). The rate of proteins that I undertook in a day is noted be 101.8g while the standard is 45.0g. Similarly, the intake of Fat as marked in the software is 61.9g while standard rate 86.2g. Followed by the rate of Fat intake is the measurement of calcium as per RNI should be 700mg while the intake by me in a day was found out to be 338mg. Furthermore, the measurement of vitamin c was marked as 61 whereas usual intake as per RNI should be 40mg. Nutrients Unit Intake Per day R.N.I Per 100g Energy Kcal 1271 1271 2217 74 Fat g 61.9 61.9 86.2 3.6 Protein g 101.8 101.8 45.0 5.9 Carbohydrates g 80.8 80.8 336.3 4.7 Vitamin C 61 61 40 4 Calcium Ca 388 388 700 23 Table 1: The RNI measures and Daily intake measures Discussion The evaluation that was undertaken in this exercise helped me understand the fact that there are a number of shortcomings that can be noted in my daily routine intake (Hesli & Mills, 1999). The above results have marked it quiet evidentl y that there are some of the nutrients that are relatively lesser in my daily routine. This gives a clear idea that I need to work on the ways which can reduce the deficiency (Amend, et al., 2006). The areas where I have lacked a great deal are merely carbohydrates and energy. In order to make sure that I am coping with the measurement of carbohydrates, I would be eating food that is rich in carbohydrates bananas, brown rice etc (Meleis, 2011). There can be a portion of this food that I can take in a day to make sure that
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